Probably Old News, but "Trivium Sucks Website"



I'd like to beat the shit out of many of the idiots within the hatemail part.

Is the education system really failing THAT much?

© 2006 Trivium Really Sucks Ass. Protected by The First Amendment, don't like it, go to Cuba, you flag burning pussy.
^America's teaching system has hit an all time low. Kids now find it cool to say things like; "that shits dank", "diggity dank nugget", "that shits fire", and the ever popular "fo'real?". Can we not teach kids to speak proper english and use punctuation? Not to mention the faggots that speak like they are a retard online. i.e. - u, ur, y, rly, and many more. Maybe it's just the fact that people are getting lazier as time goes on.
deathxunlimited said:
^America's teaching system has hit an all time low. Kids now find it cool to say things like; "that shits dank", "diggity dank nugget", "that shits fire", and the ever popular "fo'real?". Can we not teach kids to speak proper english and use punctuation? Not to mention the faggots that speak like they are a retard online. i.e. - u, ur, y, rly, and many more. Maybe it's just the fact that people are getting lazier as time goes on.
It doesn't help that mainstream entertainment glorifies the poor black people in "da hood." it's funny when you're walking down the street and you hear a kid say, "dat shit wank nigga!" You look at him, he is in the new development area where the most beat down car is a 2001 model, and he is pale as fuck with red hair.
deathxunlimited said:
^America's teaching system has hit an all time low. Kids now find it cool to say things like; "that shits dank", "diggity dank nugget", "that shits fire", and the ever popular "fo'real?". Can we not teach kids to speak proper english and use punctuation? Not to mention the faggots that speak like they are a retard online. i.e. - u, ur, y, rly, and many more. Maybe it's just the fact that people are getting lazier as time goes on.

ALSO, that America never used correct english, anyways.

You all made it phonetic so the retards and simple puritan fuckheads that (through generations) now run your country could speak it.

YET, they still get it wrong.