Probably the doom album of 2004 . . .

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Witchcraft - s/t

I just read about them in Terrorizer. They are on the extremely impressive Rise Above Records label. This label is quickly catching up to Southern Lord status.

Just go to their site and check them out . . .

Bloodstainedwalls . . . do you have this? If not, you can blow me later for recommending it. I just ordered it from The Omega.
Alas .. Sweden rocks in producing bands like this in our days ..
that Witchcraft album is pure solid Doom in the vein of Pentagram , early Sabbath , and damn .. it has the pure 70s feeling!
OK, checked the 3 clips on the site. I only have taken a liking to You Bury Your Head. It doesnt sound that interesting to me..YET. The lead singers voice is to high pitched imo as well..they draw comparisons to Ozzy but from what I heard, he cant hold a match to Ozzy and lacks the finesse of Oz. BUT, this is only 3, one minute clips we're talking about here so I absolutely cannot judge it yet. I need to hear the complete work. From the sounds of it though, that statement of the best doom release of '04 is really far-fetched damnit!!! Up on par with Southern Lord? Blasphemy! ;)

I'll give my solid opinion when I receive this in the mail. :)
the site doesn't work for me =( this is what i get:

Demonspell said:
Nate: How does being a deliberate throwback reinvent anything? It can remind listeners of where things originated, but it doesn't represent advancement IMO.
I was sort of being sarcastic . . . but in all seriousness, look at Ulver's 'Natten Madrigal'. It came out way after Burzum, Mayhem, Darkthrone, etc., but it is totally a throwback album. Garm PURPOSEFULLY used a primitive and raw production to emphasize their intent with that release. As far as I'm concerned, they actually bettered most of the early stuff. It didn't really reinvent black metal . . . but it did make all the pristine production of other bands of their time seem like the poser crap it was.

Witchcraft went so far as to hunt down recording equipment from the 60's and 70's to produce an authentic reproduction of classic doom/stoner rock/metal. In much the same way 'Nattens' did with black metal, the Witchcraft album is showing everybody they are missing the point with doom. Witchcraft is "reinventing" the atmosphere and sounds of the past in order to prove that the oppressive and evil sounds of doom didn't die once the digital world came about.

Of course, I haven't even heard the album fully . . . so my review could be totally different.:lol:
The three best 'traditional' doom albums of the last 12 months are probably SCALD - Will of the Gods is Great Power, REVEREND BIZZARE - Harbinger of Metal, and that last GRAND MAGUS one.

Look forward to hearing this Witchcraft....