Problem on my monitor!


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011

I have the cone of one my monitor Behringer Truth 2031 that is pushed in, don't fucking know how it happened! Fortunately it is not torn. Do you guys have a trick to fix it?

Thinking about that... I gonna try to get a little suction pad!
I've checked it at a low volume and it works normally. I'm afraid to damage it if I push the volume though.
I fixed it with my vacuum cleaner but there are still some little hollows here and there. I've read that the cone of the woofer doesn't affect the sound at all (if it's not torn of course) so it's not really a big problem if it's pushed in. Is this right? At least it currently works normally but I'd like to be sure to not cause damages if I push the volume up of play some sub drops through it.
Yeah If you fix it, it will still not be perfect. Don't worry thought because it does not effect the sound. It is more of an eyesore than anything.