Problem with you know what could be wrong?


all gods fail...
Apr 14, 2007
Reading, UK
Last night i had be playing on Red Channel for an hour when suddenly my sound went very quiet and clean...the 6505's power and standby LEDs had dimmed! and the channel select no longer worked! I cursed and was prepared to take it back to my dealer (its only couple of months old!) this morning.
I switched it on this morning and everything is fine again:err::erk:
Anybody got suggestions of what the problem may have been and whether it is likely to occur again.
if its any consolation my standby light hasnt worked for about a year and the amps fine!...
but.... could be any number of things, first thing id look at is valves, look to see if any of the power amp valves are white on the top instead of silver (this means they're fucked!)
apply Occam's razor here... i.e
check from your guitar to the amp first, try the power cable speaker lead etc.... (i dont mean to sound like im being patronsing just basing this on experience)

Otherwise hit up peavey customer support, see what they say and then your dealer (peavey are awesome people)
cheers, I did methodically check thru the chain but when the LEDS sudenly dim and the channel switch doesnt work it makes me think something serious is happening.
I will contact Peavey - sound advise!
maby your volts dropped in your house and started fucking with your amp? it could happen. i know that example some electronic organs have problems with certain voltages because of the Htz problem. it can cause notes to sound off and electronics to fuck up on you. the same thing could have happened to your amp. try knocking off any un-needed electrical stuff around the room / house and see if it helps.
I tested other sockets and other gear was running fine so i dont know....anyhow it went back to Peavey on monday so hopefully i will have it back next week all working again!!!
Gutted really because i thought Peavey stuff was supposed to be ultra reliable...
There are always exceptions; my experiences with both of my used Peavey tube amps have been nothing but great!
I've had a few minor niggles with my Valveking, the FX loop went funny, squeeled like crazy and was unusable, and one of the cabinet output jacks doesn't work, but all Peavey stuff of a higher value than the VK stuff is generally built like a tank.

Remember, no matter how many bells and whistles a tube amp has on it, or how modern it sounds, it's still VERY old technology, and VERY mass produced technology at that, so things can go wrong from time to time. Peavey are making it right, though, and you know after it's been properly checked that it's very unlikely to go wrong again. Peavey are awesome. :kickass: :headbang: :kickass:
i've never had a problem with my 6505+ - its built like a tank - even the stock ruby tubes dont sound too magical but they never fail for me.

i have a line 6 spider 2 too - crap amp - its a combo and the head part of the combo collapsed into the cab a few weeks ago when i was playing a gig - nice sturdy line 6 shit eh - i guess it was on its last legs
yeah, there are always block letter 5150 has been solid, but I learned to make sure I keep all contacts and jacks CLEAN...dirty/corroded FX jacks lead to some FUNKY problems, regardless of the make or maodel of amp.
That being said, I don't think that's what happened to your 6505...but???
Sounds like a valve problem, and if its dimming power indicators like the standby light, it could be affecting the transformer(s). One of my heads, a couple of pre amp tubes went down, it took the transformer out completely. It wouldn't even light up the front of the amp without blowing surge fuses.
Jeez! got the amp back repaired a few weeks ago. Not really had a chance before now to play it as i have been rehearsing & gig in the UK. Fired the amp up yesterday and for fuck sake now the bloody thing clicks/pops every few seconds!!
POS is back to the dealer tomorrow:cry::erk::cry:
Jeez! got the amp back repaired a few weeks ago. Not really had a chance before now to play it as i have been rehearsing & gig in the UK. Fired the amp up yesterday and for fuck sake now the bloody thing clicks/pops every few seconds!!
POS is back to the dealer tomorrow:cry::erk::cry:

It sounds like it has a bad preamp tube! Open the tube cover and tap the preamp tubes with a pen, the tube that has gone bad will make the tap come through your speaker.

I have had brand new tubes that were microphonic, it's just the nature of tubes. They are very unpredictable, and you should always have spare tubes around.

So before you go through the hassle of sending the amp out again, check the preamp tubes.
I had a similar problem and fixed it by hosing down all of the jacks and pots with electrical contact cleaner. Try it.
thanks guys..that is sound advice. However since the amp is'nt even 3 months old i will push for replacement:puke: