Producer for the next maiden album?


Apr 14, 2001
Am I alone in thinking Roy Z would be perfect for it? Silver Wings is about as close to a maiden song as you can get without Steve Harris and it sounds brilliant, BNW is an amazing album, but I didnt really like the production too much (it sounded a bit too weak, like most kevin shirley stuff, which is another reason I want to hear the new live album! Except kevs mixing it isnt he :confused: Bloody hell........ :) )
Anyways, this is one vote for Roy Z to be put in charge, he kicks arse and would give maiden the best production they had ever had.
I dont know if Steve would hand over the reigns that much though, he seems to prefer to make all the decisions.
Maybe andy sneap would be good too (He did blazes album and Nevermores Dead heart album).

Just noone give maiden Bob Rocks phone number, he has already killed metallica and left them a lifeless carcass :D
Originally posted by Joe Salami
Agreed, agreed, agreed and........AGREED!!

On November 10, I'm voting for Spawny. He has his finger on the pulse of the nation.

LMAO! Vote one Spawny!
I stand for great metal concerts 7 nights a week!
I stand for a 4 day weekend!
I stand for getting bands to tour here more often!
I stand for making Roy Z produce maidens next album!
I stand for pulling metallicas heads out of their arses, even if I have to do it personally.
I stand for making "were not gonna take it" by twisted sister our national anthem!
I stand for making sure all the people on this bulletin board get cushy ass jobs in my cabinet that pay extremely well!
I stand for a 4 hour working day with a 1 hour lunch break.

THATS what I stand for :D
Ill debate either of those miserable bastards on tv as well. Ill wear a big fuzzy green wig when I do it too.

Vote Spawny :)
:eek: You got my vote Spawny. Even if you're entire campaign revolved around the changing of the national anthem you'd be a winner :D
it won't be Z - cos I think they would want to keep Maiden and Bruce's solo stuff well seperated, ya know?

Andy Sneap would be cool after him doing such an awesome job on Silicon Messiah... but I reckon they'll get caveman Shirley again.
I had a whole thing written about your post tinman, then the boss walked in and I had to close it down before I could post it and Im too lazy to write it again. So ill summarise.
Good point about keeping maiden/brucey seperate.
Andy sneap would be awesome
And in the end I dont think it matters too much I suppose, maiden always seems to have "their" sound regardless of the producer involved.
That oughta cover it :)
My choices (in order of preference):

Martin Birch (no chance)

Roy Z

Michael Beinhorn

Bob Marlette

Chris Tsangrides

Or failing that, anyone but Steve Harris!

Spawn, you'll get my vote as long as you amend the national anthem policy to include "Come on Feel The Noize" on special occasions :).

Originally posted by Wrathchild

Spawn, you'll get my vote as long as you amend the national anthem policy to include "Come on Feel The Noize" on special occasions :).


HELL YEAH! We'll get WILD WILD WILD :D haha I love that song!
Am I the only person here who thinks Bob Rock is an excellent producer? The sound he got on Metallica's black album and The Cult's Sonic Temple are without doubt the most polished yet powerful pieces of production I have ever heard.
As far as Metallica now being shadows of their former selves as a band, that has little to do with Bob Rock. It has to be the sole responsibility of the band.
I personally would love to hear Iron Maiden produced by Bob Rock! It would sound bloody amazing!!
As for Brave New World the production wasn't bad but I expected more polish and a bigger sound. Great album though.
Bob Rock is an awesome producer, the stuff he did with bon jovi and motley crue is great.
But face it, he may not have killed metallica, but he helped them commit suicide! :D

Bob is great, and very funny (watch the year and a half in the life of metallica vid for proof of that) if he did maiden it would be great!
He scores drugs and gets food from the servo for the band when there recording ;)

Nah, he's the guy that makes the decisions on how everything's gonna sound - he works with the band and the sound engineer to get the sounds he's after, sometimes even going so far as to re-write parts of songs and suggest new parts.

If the band self-produces themselves, they can run the risk of being too close to the project... EG: Metallica on the Justice album co-produced the album with Flemming Rasmussen... Well, specifially Lars and James... Gosh - nothing but stark drums and rhythm guitars! Go figure!
Bob Rock is fuckin great!!!

Black album sounds brilliant... Dr. Feelgood by Motley Crue, WOW!!! .... Slippery and Jersey by Bon Jovi have awesome production, especially Jersey, that has the best production EVER!

Metallica killed themselves, it was the songwriting that was shit on Load/Reload, not just the production, and Bob Rock would've just been doing what he thought was best for the songs Metallica wrote, which were shit songs! He obviously isn't gonna give a bluesy alternative rock song thrash metal production is he... :D
yeah but bob is still not good enough to do a IM record :)..maybe Ross whathisname for a nu-metal feel :lol: that WAS a JOKE please dont take offence anymore than i did when i thought it

I seem to remember reading that Steve Harris asked Bob Rock to produce BNW, but he declined because he felt there was nothing he could bring that would improve their sound.