Professional Headphones


New Metal Member
Sep 30, 2007
London, UK
Hi everyone.

I´m looking for some high end headphones, for mixing and mastering.
I know monitors are usually used but they are quite more expensive and i already have studio monitors.

Anyways, i´ve been considering the AKG K 701 and the 601 (Apparently they differ by very little though the 701´s price is quite higher) and the Seinheiser HD 280 Pro. Im guessing by specs that the 601 and 701 are of higher quality than the seinheiser.

Which one is better? Also, if you know of other better professional studio headphones i´d appreciate opinions :)

Stick to monitors as much as possible, man.

It is psycho acoustically impossible to discern equality in amplitude between frequencies when the sound source is that close to your ears.

If you have to rock headphones, open-back would be my first choice, either the Sennheiser HD650 or the AKG K701s. That being said, I have been using the Audio Technica ATHM50s for around a year now and I consider them to be the NS10m of headphones.
I have Sennheiser HD595s and while I do mix and master on Genelecs, I always check how it sounds through my HPs too - obviously they have a significantly stereo image and bass, etc, so its always good to check with them. Also, I would actually say that, depending on your room and monitors - you could be better off with high end HPs - I would much rather mix on high end HPs than in a shitty sounding room with horrible monitors.
My monitors are Alesis M1Active 520. Nothing special really. So i think im going to get the AKG K 701 HP.

Thanks guys

P.S - If anyone else wants to share theyre insight im all ears :)
I've got the Sennheiser HD280 Pro, I think they're really good, but I never mix or master with headphones..

I use them just check if the mix sounds good through the headphones 'cause that's what (usually) the singer is going to hear while recording!
Another vote for the ATH-M50s. I don't particularly like their tubby low-mid and closed high-end voicing, but they're very surgical, and the bass response is astounding for closed-back cans. Once you get used to their response, you can start to pick out some serious details.
Stick to monitors as much as possible, man.

(1) He just said he has some.

(2) Don't discount the stuff you can pick up through a good pair of headphones - especially if you can't blow a lot of money on monitors. I bought into that acoustopsychophilometrobullshit at first, but most of what I want to fix is very easy to find on headphones and I now see that "One does not HEADPHONE into Mordor!" chant as just having held me back. I'd rather be stuck with decent headphones and entry monitors than a single pair of monitors that cost the same, because I like what both bring out.

Stick to monitors as much as possible, man.

It is psycho acoustically impossible to discern equality in amplitude between frequencies when the sound source is that close to your ears.

If you have to rock headphones, open-back would be my first choice, either the Sennheiser HD650 or the AKG K701s. That being said, I have been using the Audio Technica ATHM50s for around a year now and I consider them to be the NS10m of headphones.

Hmm, wouldn't the RH10MS be the ns10s of headphones?,CNTID%253D561051%2526CTID%253D230500,00.html

I haven't heard them, but they are cheaper than those ATHM50s
dont do the Sennheiser 280 Pros... I have them and they have absolutely no bass in them. They are great for iso, but i would highly discourage them for mixing. After i got them i went back to using my Sennheiser 212's.

After alot of recommendations from this board, i ended up recently getting the AT-50's and am so glad i did. I found them new on ebay for $100... def worth the money!
Thanks everyone. I´m quite inclined towards the AKG K 701, it´s more recent and through specs, better than the ATH-50, so i´l go for the one that lasts a bit longer in terms of technology
To Jeff: Yes, I know what you mean and I agree 1000%. It is definitely best to have both, especially if your room sounds wonky and inaccurate in the low end (like most rooms). I merely meant that as it is impossible to gauge differences in level with the source at that distance, don't try to mix entirely on headphones as it probably won't turn out the way you think.

To Melodeath: I meant the ATHM50's are the NS10M of headphones in the sense that they translate well to other playback devices well.
I agree 280's aint great for mixing due to the lack of bass so in this instance I would disregard them, but they are generally great for every other purpose! :P
another vote for the audio technica ath-m50s. they are really good. the sennheiser hd280s are good for tracking but i wouldnt mix with them. the m50s are the best headphones ive heard and you can get them for like $130ish. i would audition them before you buy anything.