Profire 2626 + 8 mics + drum triggers= How do? ¯\(°_o)/¯


Jun 4, 2009
New Braunfels, Texas
Sorry for the redundant title... Haha

Anyway, I recently purchased a new Profire 2626. The dude at Sam Ash was telling me I could run 8 mics simultaneously (2 overheads, 2 room mics, 2 spot mics, 2 talkback mics) through the preamps on the interface while still running some acoustic drum triggers (standard 3 tom, 1 kick, 1 snare kinda deal) through a Drum module (this was the one he recommended- iO Electronic Percussion Interface_-49978965) connected by the MIDI input on the interface at the same time.

So, my question is- is this even possible, to have the mics and the triggers running at the same time like he said going through the same interface? I looked everywhere for an explanation online but couldnt find one. And how hard would it be to setup individual tracks for each mic and trigger? Or would you have a different way of doing it?

Thanks alot guys.
Of course it's possible. You have to connect the drum module to the midi in of the profire and record them in a midi track (and the mics in audio tracks). Why it shouldn't be possible?
You certainly can do it that way, though I've heard VERY bad things about the Trigger IO. You might be better off getting a Behringer ADA8000 and running your triggers through that. You could also use the ADA for guide guitars and stuff too.
Haha thanks guys. I was messing aorund with it just now, dont know why I didnt think it was possible... Hahahha
Anyway, if I were to get an external preamp then I would prefer to get a high quality one.
My friend has a cheap 8 track mixer (behringer i think), so could I plug the triggers into them?
The ada8000 is worth it, you can find them under $200 (I think I got mine for like $120 on eBay) used all the time and it's a really easy way to get 8 extra pres, especially if it's just for triggers.