Profound Lore Records


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002

Check the link above. Seems like they're releasing the following in the next few weeks:

- split LP between Leviathan and Xasthur (600 copies)
- Diabolical Masquerade double release of Ravendusk and Phantom Lodge (500 copies)
- Sacrifice - 198666...Erik, take note.

AND YES!!!!!

- Hammers of Misfortune - The Bastard: special gatefold packaging LP and limited to 500 copies.


They've got the Leviathan Tentacles DLP and Melechesh 10", but I'm ordering mine from Ancient Winds. :cool:
I would not be stupid enough to ignore the fact that it would sell like hotcakes

(mmmm... vinyl hotcakes)

too bad that I can't compete with the label that sold them to me in the first place, merely on the fact that they accept paypal and I don't have a paypal account yet.
NicodemiX said:
I would not be stupid enough to ignore the fact that it would sell like hotcakes
OK, but let me ask, how are you selecting what you're putting into inventory out of interest? Are you keeping to stuff that you have a personal interest in?
Risen from the GRAVE.

Apparently Profound Lore found some copies of Ravendusk LP kicking around, so they have some for sale, as well as Nachymystium's Instinct:Decay.
maybe i should get that to replace my ravendusk cd that i forgot on a bus like 5 years ago and never bothered to rebuy because it's never fun to spend money on things you should technically already have
This reminds me a bit of what Jex Thoth (Totem) was trying to do. The Jex Thoth album was a bit too ambitious. I probably should check out this album.
SubRosa reminds me more of a crossover between Asunder and Giant Squid, with excellent female vocals. The traditional folk tune they recorded before the last track is as good as anything olde polyphonic/medieval bands like Steeleye Span ever did.
SubRosa's No Help for the Mighty Ones is a damn masterpiece. Adrian, get on this shiet man. You're letting a ton of music you'd splooge over slip through your palm by not checking in frequently enough!