Prog/concept metal production opinions


Dec 14, 2003
Brookfield, VIC, Australia
Since many prog metal bands love thier concept albums, and Evergrey have contributed some of the higher quality ones, i thought this would be a good place to discuss everyones preference of production on any of thier favourite concept albums, or just concept album production in general.

I guess i'll start. I must admit, im no expert on concept albums, but in my experience have realised what i love about my favourite CA (concept albums)- they all have lots of depth in their production. For example, In search of truth, and to a lesser extent, Pain of Salvations' On Hour By the Concrete Lake. They both have very cleanly recorded instruments with less of an emphasis on volume and more of an emphasis on capturing an ambiance and portraying a feeling of being "imersed" in the music, almost as if it were mixied/ was being listened to in 5.1 rather than stereo. For example, listeneing to ISOT, especialy State of Paralysis, the first thing Tom sings is "See my sorrow", with a huge reverb, almost making it hard to distinguish where his voice is placed in the mix, or where it's coming from in the room (sort of-).
In contrast, we have Evergrey's latest, the Inner Circle. While being a solid album, the production is very upfront, and in my opinion, takes away the power of Tom's vocals/ lyrics, and the presence of guitars puts Rikards key's out of the limelight, and take the power away from them.

I could go on for a much longer time, how about i give you a chance to express your opinion. Make it as long or as short as you like.


I love the concept albums with many instruments and a big variety of songs e.g. pain of salvation - the perfect element pt.1 or ayreon - the human equation.

I like the long-time listening event which comes with the conceptuals ones in contrast to other albums, which are kind of fast food music or party music or simply shitty music.
In my own opinion, I think Queensryche's 'Operation Mindcrime' is by far one of the best or THE BEST concept album ever created to this point.
I love concept albums, the idea that all songs are related is very interesting in my opinion. King Diamond has done some truly great concept metal albums in his career. Some of his stories should be made into real horror movies, they are that good.
nunoloveus said:
I love concept albums, the idea that all songs are related is very interesting in my opinion. King Diamond has done some truly great concept metal albums in his career. Some of his stories should be made into real horror movies, they are that good.

Geoff Tate is in the process of writting a screenplay for Operation Mindcrime. There have been many companies asking them to turn it into a movie. Also Operation Mindcrime II is in the works as we speak. I hope it won't be a dissapointment.
I have never been one to focus to much on the production of an album (unless it downrights sucks) but I do love concept albums. My favourite ones include Queensryche - Operation: Mindcrime, Ayreon's albums (well almost all of them are concepts with The Human Equation being my favourite), Dream Theater - Scenes From A Mamory and Shadow Gallery - Tyranny. Naturally I like In Search of Truth and The Inner Circle as well.
The thing that I love about concept albums is that if they are done well it's like listening to a really good book. You get immersed in another world and you can't wait to hear what's happening next. That's the reason that I'm looking forward to Shadow Gallery - Room V so much. I want to know what happened to the characters after Tyranny ended.
Isn't all early Mercyful Fate's work always prog and concept albums? I mean, devils, demons and stuff in every tune. Anyway, they are great :)

Op. Mindcrime is a classic, whether you like it or not,

What about Blackie's (wasp's) The Crimson Idol? It may not be that much prog, kind of same thing all the time, but it's definetly a concept album, and really good.

Brand new here to this forum, first post even.

I agree with the love of the concept album, I am going to date myself, but to me the one that started it all was Rush "2112". I listend to that the other day and was still amazed.
peza: yeah i guess the Fate/ Diamond stuff is all concept, but im not a huge fan, but he's ok. Not the greatest concept artist in my opinion.

Souls of black: welcome. i too love 2112, first rush album i heard......i realy should get more. Any recomendations of their albums?

Daniel \m/
peza said:
Isn't all early Mercyful Fate's work always prog and concept albums? I mean, devils, demons and stuff in every tune. Anyway, they are great :)

Op. Mindcrime is a classic, whether you like it or not,

What about Blackie's (wasp's) The Crimson Idol? It may not be that much prog, kind of same thing all the time, but it's definetly a concept album, and really good.


The Crimson Idol is one of the best concept albums of all time along with Seventh son of a seventh son with Maiden :) they rock!! :rock:
Souls of black: welcome. i too love 2112, first rush album i heard......i realy should get more. Any recomendations of their albums?


I am a huge Rush fan so all of them!! Hehe. But the old school, would be Hemispheres and Farewell to Kings. First three are good also.

Permanent Waves is a pivotable album, I think this is where they started transistioning to more of a snyth trippy type sound.

Signals rocked, one of the best live moments of my life was front row, about 6 feet from Geddy watching Subdivisions.....The man is beyond belief, playing two foot pedals, an open string bass, keyboards AND signing. Holy Hell!!!!

I liked Moving Pictures, but not so much for Tom Saywer but for Witchhunt and Vital Signs.

Then, there are a slew of good stuff, but not the old days if you follow...

I do like the last outing, Vapor Trails, as it has a very "rocking" feel to it.

If you really want to get an idea, rent or buy, the DVD "Rush in Rio" OMG...... I was floored....