Prog metal band 'METAPRISM' (I mixed/reamped/mastered)

Thanks for sharing and reminding me of all that bloody snow we had!
Liked the bit when the guitar player showed us he had a Mayones guitar and a good video in general.
Brilliant recording without a doubt but the song lacked dynamics for me, I could not be sure what part was meant to be the chorus or the verse. This brand of metal needs to have dynamics I feel, without stating the obvious, the successful groups of this ilk tend to do the quiet/loud/quiet thing alot and I think it works well for them. Just my opinion man.
Thanks man! It's not my band by the way, it's a client. They recorded at another studio, and I reamped/mixed/mastered.

I knew it wasn't your band dude, the title and opening post gave that away :)
I just couldn't keep my song critique to myself as usual. I wish them every success of course.

Again, the mix, re amps and mastering kicked ass hard! :headbang: