Mastered EP I mixed for a band


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
Hello guys,

here is a song from an EP I mixed for a french metal band named PI : Alligators of Mechanics.mp3

They tracked in their home studio with some basic gear (Art preamp, Hoontech audio device, SM7, SM57, ...) but great amps : 5150 and Krankenstein, Randall cabs with V30.
In the mixing stage we reamped the bass into an MXR Bass DI for the growling and also in a tube DI. We mixed that sound with the clean, fat sound of the EBS amp.
The guitars were tracked twice per side, with only a 57. I had to EQ them a lot with my Mindprint DTC because they were a bit midrangey and muddy in the low mids. The vocals were tracked through SM7, but were smashed very hard through a DBX compressor when tracking, which didn't make the things easy.
Drums are all Drumkit From Hell Superior. I smashed the room mics into Distressors to get more into a "real" drum sound. Kick was processed through a real UA 1176 compressor, and snare through a Distressor in "Nuke" mode.

The EP was finally mastered @ Cutting Room, Sweden by Mats Lindfors. I think it sounds cool even if it's a "demo".
Hope you'll like it !
dang man........ great job on this!!! This kind of seperation is what I'm hoping for one day through my own mixes :kickass: