Prog Power 7 Pics (Day 1 so far)


Nov 19, 2002
Houston, TX
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Well between travel, work, and various other distractions I've had very little time to work on my PP7 pictures but I finally finished with the first half so I figured I'd go ahead and post them. Didn't edit as many this year, just not as much time. Anyway here's Day 1, I'll post an update when I have Day 2 up, probably sometime next week.

Main Gallery:

A few random images:




Thanks everybody.

I shoot with a D2x but that's not necessarily the best option for concerts (ProgPower is the exception, I normally shoot landscape/nature stuff). In the Nikon lineup I'd say the D80 or D200 would be just as good if not better due to high ISO noise performance.

More important is lens selection IMHO. Shooting concerts usually means very little light (although PP7 was better than usual), so fast apertures are immensely useful. I shot everything this with two fast primes, 50mm and 85mm. With the better light this year f/2.8 zooms may have actually been useable but I left mine at home since I didn't want to risk getting hassled for bringing a larger camera bag in.
Nice the Epica shot. I still want to know how Simonne does that figure 8 head swing thing. I'd experiment but probably end up hurting myself. :lol:
Fuckin' awesome shots.:headbang: Need to get myself a good camera. Don't know a damn thing about them though. Any must knows for camera shopping? Anything would help.