Prog Rules!!!!!!!


The 1st Chapter
Jan 15, 2007
Hi guys,

This is my first thread so I thought I would say hi. I am off to the PPUK in a few months and I must say, I am really excited by the line up. BUT, I then noticed the PPEUR set list and with a chance to see Circus Maximus and Seiges Even at the same festival, I just had to book.

So, a mate and my goodself will definately be getting on the ferry for what looks like a cracking festival. Question: When would be the latest time to book tickets/accommodation package and be sure of getting a place?

Thanks to anyone who takes the time to answer and look forward to October.

All the best
Yesterday? ;)

I'm only waiting to be sure of two things:
1. There's enough money to go.
2. I can book the vacation time.

I think March-May is when most people try to finish their planning. At least, that's when I'll buy myself on helluva birthday present (plane and concert tickets) ;)

See ya there!
i think i read in another post that the deadline is March to book the accomodation !

We both got to decide and hurry up ! ;)
Many thanks to both of you for the reply....and I hope kirsty, that you manage to save up enough sheckles for the trip.

If you give up non essential items like food, drink and presents for loved ones, you will no doubt meet your target.

The deadline is not March, but it is possible that we do not have any places left anymore at kasteel de berckt. Therefore we recommend you to book in March at the latest, because at the end of March we have to inform the people at Kasteel de berckt how many peole will approximately stay there during Progpower.

I'm also booking in the next few weeks... heating oil is non-essential and if I keep the house at 14C I can save about $300/mo during the winter; Everyone can buy me warming brandy next fall because I will still be defrosting haha! ;)

That, and my boss is finally reviewing my review for a raise - Go bureaucracy! Woo hoo!
Haha, thanks for the concern, but reference the SECOND statement ;)

We'll toast to Angra and Sepultura as "tropical metal" and dream of white sand beaches!

About a month ago, I pre-ordered for the whole weekend ticket plus 3 nights at Kasteel de Berckt (for two people) using the "Order Your Package Deal" in the advance ticket sales section of the web site. As I have received no e-mail confirmation or any further instructions about making the actual payment, I applied for a second time and asked if they could send an e-mail confirmation of receipt.

Unfortunately, another week has gone by and still no confirmation, so I am not sure if my request was successful or if there is a problem. Can anyone help? has anyone had a similar problem or have they actually paid for the ticket?
