Prog vs Power Preferences

Are you going to PP USA 3.0 for the Prog or the Power?

  • Power: Blind Guardian, Gamma Ray, Angra, Edguy, Silent Force

    Votes: 24 49.0%
  • Progressive: Pain of Salvation, Devin Townsend, Threshold, Reading Zero, Zero Hour

    Votes: 6 12.2%
  • Indifferent: "I would still go if the emphasis was on either style of music"

    Votes: 19 38.8%

  • Total voters
I have to agree with Jay and Maestro_al. I agree that sometimes the music just gets lost within itself. One band that immediately came to mind was Transatlantic which is a tremendously talented band and has some wonderful ideas but with two songs on thier last CD checking in at over 20 minutes I just really had a hard time staying focused on the music.

That's not to say that ALL long prog/complex songs are boring. One of my favorite prog tunes is from the Tiles on Presents of Mind....Reasonable Doubt checkings in at 11:22 (OK not superlong). It's captivating from beginning to end and one song that leaves me wanting to hear MORE even after 11 minutes. Rush (Xanadu, 2112) & Kansas (Magnum opus) is further proof that long songs can be entertaining.
well, as i learned to how to bang my head at Hammersmith, seeing Angel Witch and Iron Maiden or Motorhead and Tank (yeah i think we belong to the same generation al), i could say i'm on the power side, but i haven't casted my vote. because i'm not really interested in the category.
my opinion is mostly alike as EDVANTASIA and rushzil2112. i haven't really heard the prog stuff until now, but as i'm attending this event, i bought two CDs from Devin. i really love them! is it categorised as progressive music? i think it has more elements to be limited in one category. anyways, i'm pleased to meet Devin's world. and i think i have to thank to this event as if i'm not going to see it i probably won't buy any CDs from him, as his nakid CD cover had scared me away! :grin:
I downloaded almost all of Devin Townsend's songs and I am loving all of them. I finally found them at a cd store today, but didn't have enough money, needed to buy Freedom Call - crystal empire, and Arjen Lucassen's Star One. Both of them great cds. Ayreon is some great so-called prog, or in my categorization, "good metal." The one thing I want to say right now that progressive takes a lot more time and listens to get into. Power metal takes a lot of people time to get into as well, but prog usually takes longer. The lighter prog stuff I am not big into, I like the heavier stuff, stuff with more substance. Take a band like Spock's Beard, can't get into them. DT, was into them, then they releases 6 degrees of inner crap. Sorry, but DT is just not rocking my boat anymore, just boring to me. I like stuff that is out of the norm, not mainstream. IMHO, DT is coming down with a mainstream attitude, and I despise that attitude. As a musician, I hold the same thoughts as Jon Schaeffer. I play what I want to, and if people don't like it, they don't like it. Stick to your guns and play what you like to. I wish DT would go back and do some images and words/awake type stuff, stuff where they were at their creative high. I guess you could say that I like power metal better than prog metal because power metal is basically prog minus all of the extra crap they throw in. Spiral Architect and Spastic Ink, love those prog bands, because they take it to its full extreme, not mainstream prog by any means. Those 2 bands may show off, but that is what they do and that is their style.
Just pulling my head out of my ass to respond here...thanks ProgMetalFan....:lol:

Originally posted by rushzil2112
I guess you could say that I like power metal better than prog metal because power metal is basically prog minus all of the extra crap they throw in.

I think that is a perfect quote rushzil2112. Not to say any genre is perfect, but my gosh, there is a huge amount of time wasting going on in prog "metal" that I can personally do without. I found Star One to be particularly disappointing. On the other side, I love In Search of the Truth by Evergrey. It kind of gets to the point in a decent timeframe. I haven't got time to listen to a 20 minute track where 12 minutes of it is whistling hammond organ noises and experimental drum beats etc.

I understand a lot of people will go to PPUSA to 'test' the water on the prog side, and I think that is a fantastic idea. Personally I have tested the water several times before, and it never really clicked for me. Although there may be some excitement when Zero Hour take the stage, it will be NOTHING like the adrenaline rush of seeing Edguy kick off with Fallen Angels and Headless Game, or Gamma Ray's dark intro..."'ve come to take control...."! Awesome - my adrenaline rushes just typing this in anticipation.

Originally posted by junnie from the east
well, as i learned to how to bang my head at Hammersmith, seeing Angel Witch and Iron Maiden or Motorhead and Tank (yeah i think we belong to the same generation al), i could say i'm on the power side, but i haven't casted my vote. because i'm not really interested in the category.

I also grew up headbanging away to the mid-80s in London. Wow - small world. :) I remember seeing Metallica doing their Justice tour at Hammersmith Odeon - one of the best tours of my life. Seeing Iron Maiden on the "Somewhere in Tour" concert was life changing too. Since those bands have lost the plot nowadays, I cannot wait for Edguy, Angra, Gamma Ray etc this November - although I'll probably try to get tickets to Wacken in the meantime and catch Bruce Dickinson too.
Originally posted by JayKeeley
I also grew up headbanging away to the mid-80s in London. Wow - small world. :) I remember seeing Metallica doing their Justice tour at Hammersmith Odeon - one of the best tours of my life. Seeing Iron Maiden on the "Somewhere in Tour" concert was life changing too. Since those bands have lost the plot nowadays, I cannot wait for Edguy, Angra, Gamma Ray etc this November - although I'll probably try to get tickets to Wacken in the meantime and catch Bruce Dickinson too.

wow glad to hear you know that good old days! people still say "God (sounded like Co to me?) Blimey!" there? i bet Toby won't disappoint you! it's great that Bruce still maintains his energy, but it's little bit different from what he had in 80's. seeing Toby singing, will bring you back to the Hammersmith then. He really reminded me of Bruce at that time when i saw Edguy in May! really looking forward to having a great time with all of you there! :) ....and i really envy you, going to Wacken? :cry: please tell me what's it like when you come back!