

Prog Lover
Oct 1, 2008
Chattanooga, TN
So there is a site called ProgArchives that is kinda like the Wikipedia of Prog. It's like a gigantic database of all kinds of progressive music. It also contains a forum, and if you have set up an account there, you can rate albums on the main page. For some reason Progressive Metal never makes it very high on the top 100 lists. I say we change that...who's with me?!! ;)
I know it well. Only old-fashioned prog rock reaches 5 out of 5. Our beloved Wonder guys barely reach a "4" :-(
I know it well. Only old-fashioned prog rock reaches 5 out of 5. Our beloved Wonder guys barely reach a "4" :-(
And that is ONLY the fault of the fans! Let me illustrate - on the Seventh Wonder Facebook page, they have 6,219 "likes". The #1 album on ProgArchives, by their rating system, is Close to the Edge by Yes. Now...this album deserves that spot in my opinion because of it's historical significance. HOWEVER...guess how many ratings it has? 2, every Seventh Wonder fan voted for them, they'd blow EVERY OTHER ALBUM ON THE SITE OUT OF THE WATER!!!!