Progfest 2006?

Dolamite S. Biffle

Biffliest Person Ever
May 2, 2005
I just randomly came across this concert that has been going on in California for like 10 years called Progfest. Has anyone ever heard of it? Can someone give me some information, past lineups, location, when?


Ian aka Dolamite
I believe the last Progfest was in 2000. Greg Walker of Syn-Phonic started the festival in 1993. After running it for a few years he handed it over to Shawn Ahearn who bounced it back and forth between LA and SF. After Shawn gave up Greg tried again in 2000 (pretty sure it was 2000 - may have been 1999). The last show had a phenomenal lineup and didn't sell out so he gave up.

Nearfest basically picked up the ball in 1999 and has been a sellout ever since.

Ken Golden
The only one I've heard of is the one you mentioned in a previous post...CalProg in Whittier:

I first heard of the festival in 2004 when Erik Norlander and Lana Lane were playing. Their site only seems to reference the 2004 and 2005 shows (in addition to the upcoming 2006 show), so I don't know if 2004 was the first year or not.