Wacken Open Air Festival

Yeah right, Thursday the first band plays around 17h and they finish around 1h in the night, Friday the play from 10 or 11 until 3h in the night, same on saturday...
I personally did a little "festival tour" for the last two years. I go to Finland to see all the great festivals, then head over to Northern Germany for Wacken, then back to Finland. Works great for me.

Forget about finding a hotel if you're not booking very very early. And if you can, rent a car to sleep in. The weather can be very nasty (torrid rains and heavy winds) and in such a case, it's better to be inside some vehicle.

As Wacken is such a big festival there's always a lot you could complain about, I just say "bear it and grin". Most of the festival goers do that. The atmosphere is friendly and there's so many bands playing that there's something for everybody. Just print out the running order and mark all the bands you wanna see.

I like that.
They also played Bodom after Midnight and Hate me... I can't remember the rest anymore, but it was the best show of the whole festival!

Great thing is that I live only 50 km away from Wacken.:D
I already got the tickets for next year.

IMO, to call Wacken trendy is utter bullshit.
Of course there are trendy bands, but usually there are three bands playing at the same time, so you can choose which you want to see the most...

Btw, does anyone here consider Hollenthon a trendy band?:rolleyes:
Alexi said in Wacken that COB played some weeks before the Dynamo festival and the people in Wacken were much better than the people from Dynamo.
Originally posted by Zarok666
Alexi said in Wacken that COB played some weeks before the Dynamo festival and the people in Wacken were much better than the people from Dynamo.
If I remember right CoB played on Dynamo the 2nd and on WOA the 3rd. And doesnt he say the crowd is the best fucking audience ever everytime? :rolleyes:
i will definitly go to wacken 2003 :)
see you in wacken to all german and european :p
we have to organize a forum member meeting lol
Originally posted by Northern Viking
If I remember right CoB played on Dynamo the 2nd and on WOA the 3rd. And doesnt he say the crowd is the best fucking audience ever everytime? :rolleyes:

Actually in an interview on a finnish tv channel Alexi stated that the audience of Wacken beated the living shit 'outta every audience that he had played for, including Japan. 'Tho from what I understood the amount of people meant more than the quality. He also said that it was maybe the greatest moment of his life :P Oh well, maybe it was just the usual hype giberrish but it sounded like he really meant it :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Shadeg
Actually in an interview on a finnish tv channel Alexi stated that the audience of Wacken beated the living shit 'outta every audience that he had played for, including Japan. 'Tho from what I understood the amount of people meant more than the quality. He also said that it was maybe the greatest moment of his life :P Oh well, maybe it was just the usual hype giberrish but it sounded like he really meant it :rolleyes:

I would believe him... the show was unbelievable! :rock: