
New Metal Member
Jul 17, 2004
Hi people,

We're trying to bring back to life for good, so please spread the word's the relevant info...

That's right, after the cataclysmic sign that was about to meet its untimely end, negotiations and discussions have allowed us to see light at the end of the tunnel. In other words, MAY after all not die.

Here's the catch, however. We need new staff. A lot of it. Although the end of the website was not due to excessive workloads ( would have led a much shorter existence then!), long stories should have it that the website's tasks are going to have to be divided among several people in order for to continue existing. In a jiffy, here are the position and requirement summaries for the new "job" openings:

Newspeople: In charge of looking for weekly news and tour dates updates, in addition to detecting all broken links in the Linkorama section. All you need to send in order to be considered is a news entry for the categories band AND festival each, written by yourself based on any musical news of your choice.
Info-seekers: In charge of updating the information library in order to prepare an adequate database for interviewers.
Reviewers / interviewers: Kind of obvious, isn't it? In order to be considered, send both a review and a prepared interview, the review preferrably being about an album already on our reviews archive. What we expect from your reviews: an excellent level of English (grammar, vocabulary, etc.), a unique style, an open mind, and creativity. From your interviews: interesting new questions, instead of the usual "when are you touring?"/"why that band name?" type. Reviewers must be able to conduct interviews, as the latter depend on the interviewer having heard the involved band's material. The ability to review a diverse spectrum of progressive subgenres objectively is a must.
Webmasters / designers: Second obvious one. Webmasters are in charge of uploading new info, passing it onto HTML from text documents, site maintenance, etc. Designers...well, if you have what it takes to help build with the quality that it has showed so far, please send an example!
All interested, of course, should note that we require the utmost dedication and professionalism from our new members. Spread the word! Oh yeah, send all submissions to Marcelo (, who will NOT be judging them himself (so bribery won't work). Alright, it goes: we don't really make any money, so what we actually need is volunteers with a steel discipline and true dedication.