ProgPower 2008 Allstar Band


Thrash Metal Keyboardist
Sep 29, 2006
Stiens, Holland
So if you were to form a band from all bands that played this year, who would you have, if you can only choose one bandmember from each band....

Mine would be:

Damien Wilson(Threshold) - Vocals (every band needs a frontman like that!)
Jorn Viggo Lofstad(Pagan's Mind) - Guitars (he creates such powerfull riffs)
Marcel Coenen(Sun Caged) - Guitars (the Dutch shredmaster!)
Troy Tipton(Zero Hour) - Bass (no explaination needed)
April Sese(Suspyre) - Keys (more women should be in a metalband!)
Sean Reinert(Cynic) - Drums (also no explaination needed)

I think they'd play something between Pagan's Mind, Dream Theater and Symphony X!:rock:
Mr Wilson on vocals. Yes indeed.
Jorn Viggo on Guitars. Amen.
Would love to have that Flower Power dude from Atrox on bass. I just loved his style.
Marcus Losbjer from Wolverine on drums.
Richared West Threshold on keys.
Vocals: Damian Wilson (we're rather unanimous there, aren't we?)
Guitar: Marcel Coenen (not only is he an amazing shredder, he has a great first name too!)
Bass: Steinar Krokmo (Pagan's Mind, not cos of skill, but because of the grin on his face throughout the entire concert! :D)
Drums: Johanne James (awesome drummer, bigtime showman!)
Keys: April Sese
PP could probably form a house band based on all the people in the audience that can play. Maybe that should be the new Friday evening entertainment - open mic night in the Basement!