ProgPower - As told by The Princess Bride


METAL... nuff said!





You are the epithomy of an idiot...LOL

And that's why we all love you!

That was one of the funniest things I've ever seen in this message board.

Edit - I just realized I have 1.130 posts... That's more than Mr. Harveston himself.... lol
HAHAHAHAHA, fantastic!
You forgot to parody the "stop that rhyming and I mean it" bit, as well as "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya, you kill my father, prepare to die" bit. They stick out in my mind anyway :)

Either way, Princess Bride is easily one of the top 3 movies/books of ALL TIME.
Bryant- that was awesome, especially the "I just told a band they're shit out of luck". I think that was one of the best quotes out of Glenn's mouth this year. Too bad I was half asleep when he said it.