ProgPower - As told by The Princess Bride

Not genius.


I mean, I could keep finding ways to link shit, but then I think it'd start getting dull. I almost didn't even do a few of them cuz they're so vague, or so general, but then again, they apply to ALL concerts! Like STAGEDIIIIVE! So fuckit!

But I specifically went looking for the ROUS's for the dead rat, after watching the DVD last night, and the pic of Prince Humperdinck cuz of last year's wonderful Superbowl commercial. Heh heh. Had to do those.

Wanted a better picture of Westley for the "your asses are mine" quote, but that one does good enough, I suppose. And they didn't have any burning pictures of Fezzik! Da fuck? I got a PERFECT line for him when he was on fire! Or when he pulled out the long cloak! "I got the only XXXXXXL shirt Glenn made." and then photoshop the PP logo onto it.

Oh well. Y'all laughed. I achieved my goal.

I'ma go pretend to actually work now.
I can only see three of the pictures due to random blockage at work, but I cackled... can't wait to look at the rest when I get home!
AngraRULES said:

You are the epithomy of an idiot...LOL

And that's why we all love you!

That was one of the funniest things I've ever seen in this message board.

Edit - I just realized I have 1.130 posts... That's more than Mr. Harveston himself.... lol
You mean epitome perhaps?

Some of those were pretty good, especially the "you keep using that word.." one.
Bryan316 said:

...y'all think I should use another movie? As long as I can find enough good-quality photos?

If you dare think you can find another equally memorable and high calibur movie. Since we're speaking 80s era, I'd like to see Optimus Prime headbanging :headbang:
Tomahawk said:
You mean epitome perhaps?

Some of those were pretty good, especially the "you keep using that word.." one.

I knew that didn't look right...

But oh well, for someone who's been in the US for only 5 years my English ain't that bad... I'm usually good at spelling... :p
AngraRULES said:
I knew that didn't look right...

But oh well, for someone who's been in the US for only 5 years my English ain't that bad... I'm usually good at spelling... :p

Ain't :loco:

I can't say shit.. My english is way worse than yours!

About the original post... LOL LOL LOL Best thread ever...
AngraRULES said:
I knew that didn't look right...

But oh well, for someone who's been in the US for only 5 years my English ain't that bad... I'm usually good at spelling... :p
Well that makes a lot more sense. I misspell French, Spanish and Japanese words all the time.