ProgPower do's, don'ts

Hey all,
This is going to be my first PP and I just can't wait, well, I bought tickets for last year's but we couldn't make it due work reasons. I'll be assisting to Fri and Sat shows,

My question is: How would a good Prog Power tutorial read for a n00b?


Where in Mexico are you coming from, and what is your flight Iteniary? I am flying from El PAso thru Dallas and we may be on some of the same flights.
Make time for your friends... before you know it, it'll be Saturday night, and you'll realize you've hardly talked to him/her/them.

BOY HOWDY! Every year, we meet new, awesome people, and every year, I feel more like didn't have enough time to talk to my long time friends (like Mrs. Breed here)

Most people have mentioned it, but I would echo pacing pacing pacing. Especially with the new format and all the extras Glenn is adding now.

If you're in a close hotel, you can pick up something cold earlier in the day and pop back to the room to eat between bands. Yippee and I have fallen to the habit of grabbing Subway or getting take out from the fabulous restaurant that opened where the old gyros shop used to be. Leave it in the room fridge and then between bands, you can just go to the room, drop off your loot and eat your sammich (maybe drink a cheaper beer :) ) and then get back before the next band.

Do not expect the food at the Vinyl to be delivered in a timely fashion. If you think you can go down there and order and eat food between bands, think again. The orders take a very very long time to fill down there.

Do not be afraid to talk to ANYONE! Approach any person you see and say hi, introduce yourself, ask them where they came from.

Do not take anything too seriously over the course of the weekend. Many of us are quite the goofballs and we spend lots of time goofing off, being silly and otherwise doing the weird and insane. If you are offended, we are sorry, but we surely didn't mean any offense by any of our actions.
Cheers on the info for earplugs, im grabbing a pair right now.

And another thing on the cameras I forgot about last night, my phone has a camera on it, shit quality I never use it really but will my cell phone not be allowed in?
If your blow dryer in the room doesn't work just pick up the phone and dial any room.... chances are you'll get a PP fan!! :lol:Thanks to the guys last year who answered the phone and let us use theirs!!
Wow, this was cool!
Thanks a lot for the advice, appreciated. By the little time I've been on the forum I see all go to PP for the show, but they stay for the friendship!!

See you there!
I don't remember seeing any issues with phone in the past, but I expect if any are seen being held above the crowd they will be confiscated.

Phones are allowed, but as you mentioned, if anyone is holding them above their head for more than just a few seconds to take a quick snapshot, you will be sticking out like a sore thumb and are inviting security to approach you and you will be requested to put the phone away. If you don't want the hassle of dealing with security, keep your phones in your pockets until the set is over.

Yes, cell phones can take digital photos, but they are also your link to your family and medical assistance outside the venue should you find yourself in an emergency situation, thus cell phones are not banned.

As mentioned previously in this thread and in the camera rules Sticky (and the news thread), no digital cameras of any make, model, shape, or form are allowed into the venue and this includes digital-SLR cameras which are also banned.

Come to ProgPower to enjoy the music and comradarie of metalheads from around the world (and still be allowed to take all the photos you want inside the venue and out with your FILM camera).
Where in Mexico are you coming from, and what is your flight Iteniary? I am flying from El PAso thru Dallas and we may be on some of the same flights.

I'm flying Thursday from Aguascalientes thru DFW on 1868@10.55am, I may catch you there!

just a small piece of advice (especially to you female metalheads out there)...WEAR COMFORTABLE SHOES!!! my feet were killing me last year!! :goggly:

Noted, no high heels for PP!!! :lol:
DO NOT - take any shit from a select few of the upstairs bartenders who will try and be jerks about ordering cups of water/ice. Hopefully those individuals have either corrected their attitude problems, or simply won't be there.

DO - tip your bartenders, and cross your fingers that Maria will be there this year. Seriously though, I've heard from numerous staff/bartenders/etc at various venues that metal fans are pretty bad when it comes to tipping.
DO NOT - take any shit from a select few of the upstairs bartenders who will try and be jerks about ordering cups of water/ice. Hopefully those individuals have either corrected their attitude problems, or simply won't be there.

DO - tip your bartenders, and cross your fingers that Maria will be there this year. Seriously though, I've heard from numerous staff/bartenders/etc at various venues that metal fans are pretty bad when it comes to tipping.

Definately. There were a couple of real honest to goodness assholes working the bars last year. Make sure you tip the good guys something.

To combat the attitude problem, we "pre-lubricated" back at the hotel early, and often. My venue bar bill was quite small compared to previous years. Other than a few random celabratory tequila shots, I was mostly getting cokes by the end of the evening. :Saint:
As mentioned previously in this thread and in the camera rules Sticky (and the news thread), no digital cameras of any make, model, shape, or form are allowed into the venue and this includes digital-SLR cameras which are also banned.

*SIGH* I just bought a great digital SLR camera a couple of months ago. I already knew they were banned - but it still would have been nice to use it. My film camera (circa 1984) bit the dust so I can't use it, and won't upgrade to a new 35mm camera - not after I spent $1000 on a new digital SLR. :rolleyes:
Cell phones are allowed in. Even the blackberries or other forms of PDA phones. If you snap pictures with them, from last year anyway, it wasn't an issue, but avoid holding them up for extended periods of time since some are actually capable of taking video.
*SIGH* I just bought a great digital SLR camera a couple of months ago. I already knew they were banned - but it still would have been nice to use it. My film camera (circa 1984) bit the dust so I can't use it, and won't upgrade to a new 35mm camera - not after I spent $1000 on a new digital SLR. :rolleyes:

I think I read sponsers next year can have any camera they want.

Anyway... on the tipping of bartenders, I always tipped at LEAST 2 dollars when a 'tender was nice enough to give me a glass of free sweet sweet water. So even if you get it for free, be SURE to drop something. If you don't they're bound to act like douchebags. And I wouldn't blame them.
This will be my second year. 1. Bring money. Remember you have eat, drink and when you hit the vendors area, trust me you are going to want to BUY, BUY, BUY. 2. Be ready to meet a lot of new people:rock:. I met a lot of people last year and since then have met a few more through this site and the chat room. 3. pace yourself - you are going to be at the show for quite a long time so you don't want to burn out in 2 hours. The bartenders do take very good care of you. See ya at the show!:kickass:
DO NOT - take any shit from a select few of the upstairs bartenders who will try and be jerks about ordering cups of water/ice. Hopefully those individuals have either corrected their attitude problems, or simply won't be there.

DO - tip your bartenders, and cross your fingers that Maria will be there this year. Seriously though, I've heard from numerous staff/bartenders/etc at various venues that metal fans are pretty bad when it comes to tipping.

I really hope that Center Stage recognized my complaint last year because my bartender was a total douche. Ask Milton about how pissed I was or anyone else I was with after Saturday's show last year.