ProgPower therapy


Ken Luther
Mar 11, 2005
Valparaiso, IN
We just completed a 2000+ mile road trip from Valparaiso, IN to Jacksonville, FL and back. With a 5- and 2-year old in the car, we knew we were on borrowed time at all times.

On our second day going down, we were driving from Louisville to Warner Robins, where we had a hotel reservation. By the time we got to Atlanta, we'd been in the car for 6+ hours. For adults, that's easy, but with kids not so much. They were still doing well, but it could get dicey at any time. I was driving, tired, and getting nervous that the kids would lose it before we covered our last hour and a half.

But then we passed Exit 250 on I-75. The exit for 14th Street. The holy land of heavy metal. A feeling of contentment and well being came over me. All my problems vanished. Ahhhh. I tried to describe it to my wife, but she just didn't get it. Phooey. But for those few seconds while we drove past that exit, nothing would have bothered me.

Of course, on the way *back* from Jacksonville we got to Atlanta at around 4:30pm on a Friday, but decided to take the bypass instead of staying on 75 straight through like I had on the trip down. By the end of that drive, I needed Progpower therapy even more than the first time through, but we did not come close enough to the magic power to do me any good.

As a side note, it's fun to drive through Georgia and see all the city names I recognize from the old WCW / NWA days when they'd announce regional live events on their Saturday night TBS show. I could hear Gordon Solie saying "Warner Robins, Georgia!" as we got to our hotel there.

...As a side note, it's fun to drive through Georgia and see all the city names I recognize from the old WCW / NWA days when they'd announce regional live events on their Saturday night TBS show. I could hear Gordon Solie saying "Warner Robins, Georgia!" as we got to our hotel there.


"Don't miss it - BE THERE!!!", as Freddie (I forget his last name) used to call out at the end of the regional NWA/Georgia Championship Wrestling announcements each Saturday night on TBS. And yes, Gordon Solie was certainly the Walter Cronkite of old school wrestling. I miss him dearly. :cry:

*heavy sigh* those were the days.

Thanks for that bit of reflection. :)

oh, and for those unaware, WCW recorded countless shows inside the Center Stage arena long before the Monday Night wars (and before McMahon bought out the company from Turner). I was there once - in the early 90's. It was great! I even saw myself on TV a couple of weeks later when the program aired. I believe they used the same boom/crane that the PPUSA crew used last year when taping the shows.

oh, and for those unaware, WCW recorded countless shows inside the Center Stage arena long before the Monday Night wars (and before McMahon bought out the company from Turner). I was there once - in the early 90's. It was great!

I was at almost every taping from December 2002 until the last one in February 2006, minus a good chunk of summer-fall 94... it was almost more fun when the show was complete crap because we had fun heckling WCW's legendary garbage... and got numerous "talkings to" by Chip Burnham I think his name was, and Doug Dillinger. :D
By the time we got to Atlanta, we'd been in the car for 6+ hours. For adults, that's easy, but with kids not so much.

Maybe it's because of all the road trips and traveling with bands I did back in my early 20's but man 6 hours in a car anymore for me is a hard task. Hope ya'll had a great trip!