ProgPower VI: A quick review...

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
Night 1:

Manticora - was looking forward to these guys. "8 Deadly Sins" has never grabbed me the way it should. The vibe of the music is right up my alley; aggressive, dark, powerful, with cool vocals. However, for some reason, the songs just don't grab me. I was hoping that seeing the music performed live, might give me a new appreciation of the CD. It didn't. These guys really need to look into using tempo changes and they need a better sense of dynamics. There are bands I listen to that are much 10x heavier than Manticora (Blood Red Throne, Decapitated, etc.), but those bands change tempos much more frequently. In summary; great energy, bad songs.

Circus Maximus - though I've owned "The 1st Chapter" since it was first released, it never grabbed me... until I heard CM live. Fuuuuccckkk! These guys just slayed. Say what you will about a lack of stage presence, I could care less. I've have heard very few singers perform live, who have the control over their voice that Mike Eriksen does. If I put him head to head with some my favorite singers (Russell, Dane, Jorn, Khan, etc.), I'd say he's more technically proficient than any of them. Not only does he have amazing range and passion, he does what he does with complete ease. Mike Eriksen just joined my short list of truly elite vocalists; Barlow, Breed, Rosvald.

Orphaned Land - like most, I was blown away by Orphaned Land's "Mabool" and was excited about their PP appearance. However, my excitement was guarded, as I had doubts about how what they do, would translate live. I must say, I was very, very impressed. Great live band. Surprisingly good energy.

Conception - I, like most Prog fans, was giddy about the prospect of witnessing this reunion. However, I have to say, I was less than floored. Though Khan was much better than he was last year with Kamelot, their performance seemed very sterile. It was delivered proficiently and professionally, but without a great deal of passion or fun.

Angra - this was the band I was looking forward to most. They first came across my radar at the time of PPIII. And while I enjoyed "Rebirth", I took in their PPIII appearance with one eye on the band and the other on the bar. When "Temple of Shadows" blew my doors off, I was incredibly psyched to see them at PPVI. Unfortunately, Edu had a bad night... to say the least. Everything he did seemed like a struggle for him. Given that he sounded dead-on at PPIII, I'm willing to write this off as a bad night. The rest of the band was tight, but I bailed after four songs, based on the poor quality of the vocals.

Night 2:

Stride – these guys totally kicked my ass at the PPIII pre-party. They’re not usually my cup of tea, but their flawless musicianship was just jaw-dropping. Unfortunately, I hadn’t heard any of their (just released) debut CD prior to their performance. I think it’s a detriment when you’re not familiar with any of the music you're about to hear performed. They started strong. I really like Gary Belin’s voice. He’s got great control, and solid range. Unfortunately, they chose to break into back to back instrumentals, followed by back to back power ballads. In my estimation, this is a horrible move at a Metal show. We bailed half way through the second ballad.

Side Note - the keyboard player came to the front of the stage, with one of those strap on keyboards, during the second of the two instrumentals. So friggin lame. Keyboard players should be in the back, off to the left.

Symphorce – until their most recent disc, “Godspeed”, I never saw the necessity for this band. They seemed like a watered-down version of Andy Franck’s other band, Brainstorm. That said, after his PPV performance, I’d pay to see any Franck-fronted band. And this year’s performance did nothing to diminish his standing. I don’t give a shit if you like Brutal Death or Jazz Fusion, this guy will get you banging your head. He was born to be a the frontman of a Metal band. Symphorce killed.

(this is where the heavy drinking begins)

Pink Cream 69 – I was kind of interested to hear these guys. Given that their music is a bit of a throwback, I though they’d be a lot of fun live. I don’t know if it was an overall lack of energy, having to follow Symphorce, or a combination thereof. Regardless, they bored me, and I left after 4 songs.

Therion + Stratovarius. No clue. Didn’t see a second of either. I was chatting with way too many people, drinking too much Red Bull & Goose, and having too much fun to give a shit.

Great weekend. Especially Saturday night, drinking with the RC clan; JK, CheifB and Dark One. The after party was cool to. Got to bed at 6AM. Got up at 8AM to catch a flight. Fucking brutal!

That whole week is a blur to me....haha. So much drinking, oh man....

Yeah, Orphaned Land stole the show for me. It's funny because they were seen as the "oddball" band, and in truth, ProgPower would be so much cooler if there was more than just one "oddball".

Seeing ProgPower is a bit like going to Egypt. First couple of times you see an old temple or some hyrogliphfickzs you think 'cool', but after a bunch of them, the novelty wears off. That show needs a bit more variety because I burn out halfway through.

I was too drunk to care about Therion but I hear they put on one of the best performances ever. And that comes from people who didn't care much about the band to begin with....

Edu ruined Angra that night with his horrible vox. 'Twas a shame since the rest of the band are fucking magicians.

Here's my side note: Laughing is good for the soul. I had such a good time at both Vegas and Atlanta, I laughed at all the stupid things we did and said. Man, it's like therapy. Sure, the blue sapphire gin helps some, but whatever floats the boat... :loco: