ProgPower's Funniest Stories

Roaming the halls of one of the hotels with Steve Digiorgio and a few others looking for a party, he took us to Spiral Architect's room. He knocked and after no answer I said, "Knock in a poly rhythm and then I bet they'll answer." Was received with lots of laughs. :cool:
A guitarist from one band told me that I shouldn't start a metal band and that I should start an indie rock band instead because I'm young and good looking, so I would get laid 25x more than he does.
I remember 3, specifically.

2. Same Progpower, Drew and MetalRose's conversation:

Drew: "What's YOUR name?"
MetalRose: "MetalRose."
D: No, seriously, what's your name?
MS: My name is MetalRose.
D: No no, like, My name is Drew, not Curufin. What's yours?
MS: My fucking name is METALROSE
D: So, is your name Rose?

And it just went on. It was great.

I think it finally ended when I asked the rest of the room what my name was and everyone said, at once, "MetalRose".

Like I said, if my mom calls me and reffers to me as MetalRose, so can you. ;)

The last one I recall, well was told, was last year when I walked intoa party, totally freaking trashed and interrupted some guys best-party-of-my-life story in the door way...

I think Nailz (Or Curfin) had the best quote, "Yeah, we were all pretty glad when MetalRose walked in and interrupted you." Or something. Any takeres on the actual saying?

I think Nailz (Or Curfin) had the best quote, "Yeah, we were all pretty glad when MetalRose walked in and interrupted you." Or something. Any takeres on the actual saying?


hahahaha, yah, that was me, the guy kept repeating the same first line of his story like 8 times, and then you walked up and started talking to me. I don't remember exactly what I said, but it was in that vein, and man, I'd STILL be waiting to hear about the best party ever if it wasn't for you. That guy was a bore and a half. :lol:
I'm not sure if this counts, but as we were leaving last year we saw the guys from Mustasch hanging outside drinking (what else?). I stopped to shout out that I loved their set, and Rolf attempted to climb in the driver's side window and administer drunken hugs to all of us. His bandmates pulled him out and I drove off thinking "now I've had a Swedish Grammy winner (halfway) in my car."

*Knock*Knock*(at 3:30am)
John answers door - "WHAT"
Urban - Is this where the party is? room 215?
John - NO!!! This is room 315
Urban - Oh


2. Putting Adagio in the back of a truck bed during the rain to get food only to have Pellaz exclaim, "It's not our fault if they get sick."

Nope, I was looking at the Adagio guys getting drizzled on and said nervously "Shit.... If these guys get sick from this, Glenn will KILL us!" :)

I must point out that Stephan Forté DID ride in comfort in my car. He is the only person on the planet to pronouce my nickname -- which is also my license plate -- "PEE-lazz." :lol:

Here's my story:

Two dudes from Elvenking in my car, on the way to Steak and Shake at fucking 4 o'clock in the morning. One of them farts in my car...the most wretched smell I've ever experienced. Rolled down the windows the whole way there. When we got there and the other dudes saw the windows rolled down, one of the others said "Did he fart?" Their violin player is notorious for awful farts. Fucking gross.
I still have no idea why i didn't go with you guys :<

Because you wanted to live!! :heh:

I remember trying with some others to get the guy from Pagan's Liver-- err, Mind -- to awaken from his drunken stupor in one of the chairs in the old Fairfield lobby. NOTHING worked. He was as gone as a balanced budget. It was getting really late, like at least 3am.

Finally one of his bandmates from PM showed up, awakened him within a matter of seconds, and poured him into the elevator up to their room. We were pretty dumbstruck, and still ascribe it to some sort of exclusive Norwegian magic to this day. :)
I remember trying with some others to get the guy from Pagan's Liver-- err, Mind -- to awaken from his drunken stupor in one of the chairs in the old Fairfield lobby. NOTHING worked. He was as gone as a balanced budget. It was getting really late, like at least 3am.

Finally one of his bandmates from PM showed up, awakened him within a matter of seconds, and poured him into the elevator up to their room. We were pretty dumbstruck, and still ascribe it to some sort of exclusive Norwegian magic to this day. :)

I want to say that was the night that Ronny & Steinar showed up at our room, as I vaguely recall Ronny saying something about someone being passed out (not sure if it was him or not) in the lobby. Those two had def been partying before they got to us. :lol:
Party in room 111!!! :rock:

Mike, Evergrey's bassist at the time, was having fun with someone's wheelchair:


Right after these pics, Rikard (Evergrey keyboards) pushed Mike out into the hall, shut, and locked the door. :lol:

This was the same party in which several of us stuffed Rich Horner into the top freezer in the room's refrigerator and SHUT THE DOOR. One seriously skinny dude... :lol:


The wheelchair was a rental, luckily. Best time I could have with a broken leg, I suppose. In fact, that looks like my mane, beer belly and Pagan's Mind tee in the left of the picture, so I assume that was I. That was a blast of a party I must say. I know lots of funny PP stories, but most of them should not be repeated I am afraid.

Two years ago Zak Stevens joined the All Star Jam on stage doing 'Strutter' from kiss in full Paul Stanley makeup.
I ran into him and Bill Hudson at the Grenada at about 3 am and we were all completely inebriated. Zak was hungry so the three of us headed off to find something to eat. There isnt a lot going on at 3 am in Atlanta and the only place we could find was a waffle house full of the locals. Zak still had lipstick and white makeup all over his face - he didnt do a very good job of cleaning it off.
We get seated and the waitress was snickering about Zaks makeup to her friends. The locals were all giggling and Bill was getting pissed off. He started saying shit out loud that I was SURE was going to get us all killed. Three longhairs in this southern waffle house full of the locals that didnt seem to have the same sense of humor that Bill did and one of us wearing lipstick and makeup....I thought we were going to die. I kept telling Bill to shut up and he just kept rolling on about rednecks and other things that I am not going to repeat. Zak being Zak was just as happy as he could be, wolfing down his breakfast and talking about football, completely oblivious to the potential threat of a good southern ass kicking... I am still amazed we made it out of there alive with Bill talking the shit he was...

Futures End Cheese Grater