Programming bass

never touched that department, but I've heard the name Trilogy pop up a few times. From the sounds of the demos it sounds pretty beastly
EastWest QL Hardcore Bass
Broomstick Bass

But nothing like the real deal, I use a cheap Harley Benton 5 string bass thru POD Farm and I've gotten the best bass sounds I could imagine.
150€ isn't too much to get a nice bass sound.
Agreed i would look into pod farm but i have no bass haha. Im looking to program bass via midi and i want to get a tone thats not noticably fake. ill try some reason stuff
EastWest QL Hardcore Bass
Broomstick Bass

But nothing like the real deal, I use a cheap Harley Benton 5 string bass thru POD Farm and I've gotten the best bass sounds I could imagine.
150€ isn't too much to get a nice bass sound.

So i take you have the normal POD farm version? or the platinum one?
I use the standalone version, not the plugin. I use it as I comes along with a free Toneport UX1 update.

EDIT: Then you can use POD Farm (not VST plugin, just a replacement for gearbox) for free.
The 150€ investment i said were meant to be on the bass (my case).

EDIT2: Also, you can record clean guitars with a bass preset on Gearbox/POD Farm and then pitch shift them 1 octave down, as many people does it here (Behindert for example, and his bass tone is far from bad :D). Still think the VST Bass is the last option.
I love Broomstick Bass for slower stuff. I always use it in manual mode. I've gotten some great sounds out of Scarbee Black Bass DI version. I generally use something like Revalver II on either. I've tried several others and I think ANY bass VSTi sounds shitty super fast though. From there it's good ole piano roll...

I haven't tried to do the pitched down guitar trick yet but that would seem to be the most natural/intuitive. I guess I'm just too Guitarded to take that step.