programming long cymbal roll


May 29, 2010
ammm , so im mixing a song that has some intro with long cymbals rolls..

its when the drummer hitting both crashes alot to make this sustain sound..

anyhow , anyone tried program it? im not sure it will sound great ...
any help?
Yeah they're tough to get right. But it's honestly just trial and error until you get it right.

Just treat those hits as you would to ghost notes for the snare, very low velocity.
Remember that one hand is stronger than the other.
Which beats would a drummer accentuate? Every bar? every second beat? every third?

Something that might sound cool would be: 127, 40, 50, 37, 70, 35, 49, 40. and so on.
That might work, or not. It depends on the samples and what you want to achieve.
Loop that section and go through each hit until it sounds just like you want it to.
I just draw a random line by hand (well, mouse) to the velocity lane of the midi notes, trying to avoid max velocity... generally around 50...100 works just fine, but it also depends on the cymbal in question. Not all cymbals take rolls well, in for example Superior Drummer 2.0.