Progressive Metal Project Seeking Vocalist

The Lorenzo

New Metal Member
Aug 12, 2006
I am looking for a session vocalist for a prog metal project (either over the internet or in person. I am located near Detroit, MI). When I think of the ideal candidate for this album I think of the death metal vocal range of Mikael Akerfeldt, Jens Kidman, Randy Blythe, Tommy Rogers.

80% of lyrics are lows, mids. and some high death growls and 20% will be clean (think Maynard Keenan, Steve Wilson, Mikael Akerfeldt, Jonas Renske).

The album and lyrics have been written (and mostly recorded), and is about to enter the post production stage.


-A drum highlight reel with samples from the album:

-Sample tracks from the album:

Compensation is negotiable. When contacting, provide samples and a short list of projects you have been involved in. Ideal candidates will be mature, focus on quality, and be open to some limited local shows in the future (Detroit area).

Please direct e-mails to

Thank you for your time.
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