Progressive Rock/Metal Mix

Hmm, I gotta level dude - I dig the music, but the mix could use some work. The drums sound very lo-fi, with very little attack in the kick and "air" in the snare - the hi-hat is good though (I like the panning, though it's a bit loud), and the snare sounds like it has potential - mainly, I guess it sounds like the snare and kick weren't even close mic'ed in how far away they sound. The guitars aren't bad, though the amps sound like Line 6 Spiders or something; lots of high-mid kinda "weeeh weeeh" (onomatopoeia attack!). Good luck though man, it's got potential!
I basically agree. The mix lacks "punch" so to speak. The kick snare and guitars are the issues for me. Can you use drumagog or something for the kick and snare? I would at least blend some samples in there, because right now, it sounds a little raw and very distant. Either that or re-record them. But blending in samples would be easier for sure.

Again, I agree with Metaltastic about the guitar sound.

A better mix and guitar tone would do a lot for the mix.

Nice tune by the way.
Thanks for the listens, and the advice. Although, I'm not replacing either the kick or the snare. They need more compression to poke through is all, and they certainly are close miked, and IMO the source sound is better than good. It's just not working in the mix at the moment.
Here's another mix:

It sounds better to me with the kick and the snare louder, and I changed the compression settings for the snare. The attack and release were choking it, so it has more snap with a faster attack and shorter release. Maybe too much snap, but both definitely poke through, and the drum level is really driving the song now.

The guitar tone wasn't great to begin with, a Marshall amp with an LTD and a Jackson with EMGs. Clean tone is through an Ibanez with jazz humbuckers going through the same Marshall amp. JCM2000 with a 1960 Lead 4x12. 421/57 combo on both. Anyway, I added a PSP MixSaturator with some warm and crunchy "tape" saturation going on. Seems to have beefed them up in a good way.

But yeah, I need some outside perspective.