

Let me die in solitude...
May 30, 2001
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I was just curious as to whether James was thinking of working on any projects at the moment, or was concentrating more on health...
Get better man! -Jeff
I remember back before all the health problems that Tomas Lindberg had been mentioned as a particpant, but that now seems unlikely as he's so involved in 4 or 5 other projects...

I'd also love to see James do some more work with John West and Trent Gardner, as their wonderful voices work well with James' style...
>>I remember back before all the health problems that Tomas Lindberg had been mentioned as a particpant, but that now seems unlikely as he's so involved in 4 or 5 other projects...<<

>>tom is still in it. as i have heard for the disincarnate. james is going to sweden or something to get the vocals recorded and is haveing lindburg and peter from hypocrisy singing . peter on back up vocals.<<

Actually the first guy was right, Thomas and Peter were going to do the stuff on the new disincarnate before I got sick. I haven't spoken to either one of them since my surgery. I am still doing a new disincarnate CD though, and I'm moving forward, despite the complications from my illness.
Yes. Good luck with working on it, man. I've said this before but you have my prayers and blessings for the work you put into music and everything else to your life. One thing. Don't let pressure from us fans who want something now do anyting to your concentration. Patience is a great thing and I know all of us can wait for the best. It's just wonderful to know you're going to be making music again. take real good care of yourself, bro.

Thanks for the kind words, I will certainly be working on the new disincarnate with all of my free time and then some.