Promising New Metal Act: The Porno Pandas

Jan 28, 2004
I am the webmaster of an up and coming new metal act out of the Bay Area by the name of The Porno Pandas! They are an amazing act, and have culminated a massive and diverse local following, as well as caught the eye of the Discovery Chanel, in which their music will be used in a future Stock Car Documentary due to air some time this summer. They are an amazing group!

You can check out 7 full-length Mp3s as well as bios, pictures, forums and some amusing videos at:

Oh and by the way... here is a decent song called Classical.
Glad you liked them... we have a forum established that has 50+ members that frequent the site... Also, there is a full length video of the song "Classical" from a halloween show last year... good stuff, really showcases the groups skills, though the camera man could have been more focused... anyway, I hope more people decide to check them out!
Update: The Pandas are releasing their debut full length album entitled:pandamoneum on Febuary 5th at The Pound in San Francisco. It will be a CO-CD release with RU-36!

Check them out now, and if you can, make it down to the show!
The CD release with RU-36 went well, and the new CD entitled "Pandamoneum" is available for purchase through the band! If anyone is near Oakland and want to see an awesome new group, show up at the Metro near Jack London Square on March 11th for an Insipid Productions show!