Promo song new version (5150, real drums, etc)

Thank you.
Probably the vocals are a little too low, it depends from your taste....anyway the guys have to say me if I have to modify some vocals part's not finished yet
The snare sounds a little distant, perhaps some clipping and a mild high shelf would help?

Other than that it's a great sounding mix, reminds me of carcass heartwork actually
Guitars were reamped by Ryan of Catharsis Studios so I don't know how it miced the cab. I only know it's 5150 and Mesa 4x12 :)
About the eq, I HP at 80Hz, a little cut at 400Hz (but probably only in an older version..), a little but wide boost aroud 7Khz and a LP at 12KHz. I think the guitars should be way better with a better playing...
Great tune, man!
Very good vocals, they retain their melody even thru screaming. Mix sounds great too. I really dig the rumbling low end in the bass. Well done!

Joeym :headbang:
I really like the song and the mix. The tone is nice and big and the drums sound great too. I especially like the kick.

The vocals are an interested style but they sound great and work pretty well too. :)

Good job. :)
I actually really dig the song a lot. The mix is pretty good (and I know what you can do, you mixed one of my bands songs remember?), but it does seem to lack that "high fi" sound to it. A bit dry, but nothing that really messes with the song since it's a solid song.

Who is it? I wanna check out more of their stuff! And besides the band already listed, are there any other bands that sound like this?
I don't like the snare. It sounds boxy and all you can hear is the tiny attack. Vocals could be raised a tad has been said. They also sound overly distorted (plugin). Other than that, sounds awesome. Drummer is not great though :S
Thank you..I think that lack of HI-FI is definitelly a tracking problem....We spent very little time to track and I made all the "sounds" after the tracking and not mediocre materials is more difficult and it will remains mediocre.
Anyway...they are Disease Illusion (
I don't like the snare. It sounds boxy and all you can hear is the tiny attack. Vocals could be raised a tad has been said. They also sound overly distorted (plugin). Other than that, sounds awesome. Drummer is not great though :S

I agree. We did this promo expecially to know ourselves and to see if we work well togheter. Every instrument has some problem (untight playing, etc...) because it was a pretty new song and they didn't try it so much.
Anyway, it was also a "lab" for the album I'll record: now I know how I wanna tune his snare, which are the guitarists problems and all these things.
It was also my first real promo for a band and it will be my first full length so...any advice is very appreciated :)
Good work. The bass has too much low end (around 60hz) and I agree with the things mentioned about the vocals and snare.