Promoting new project: Aliant Apparel


Jul 6, 2007
Sundsvall, Sweden
So we've just launched our site and store. Check out our stuff at . If you want to order something and you're not in Sweden, just contact me and we'll sort it out.
If you have any questions, let me now.

Some pictures of our stuff:




Scroll down to see some wip

right now me and two friends are setting up a small streetwear brand, Aliant. We're only weeks away from releasing our first line ever with some limited editions of really nice tee's.
Check out our Facebook and Instagram to see what we're up to! We're also working on our website, . Right now you'll find Facebook and Instagram links there so check it out and follow us.

Will give you a heads up when we're close to a release.

By the way, we are based in Sundsvall, Sweden. Shipping anywhere in the world shouldn't be a problem.

Questions? Just ask!

We want to get the name out and spread as much as possible before the launch. Just trying to build interest in the brand. We'll soon start post designs and probably let our followers vote for one additional design to be printed.
Carlsman: that's not really how humans think though. Nobody really gets interested by "nothing". Why would I care about the 10834837589436534th shirt company when they don't have any designs?

On the contrary: you've just wasted people's time, which won't make them want to go back to your site repeatedly. There's also nothing to talk about and "spread".

I'm not trying to bitch at you, I'm just pointing out that people don't have time for anything that's not "highly interesting" to them (and to *THEM* is the main point here - I'm sure your company is extremely interesting to yourself), cause their time is occupied by Facebook, Twitter and LOLCats.
I get your point. Maybe we're wrong and this is just a waste of peoples time right now, so be it. Next time I post here I'll have something to show you guys.
the design looks professional but not really special in any way imho. there's still room for improvement though.
We're not trying to do anything really special. It's just a fun project for us and we/I design stuff that we'd like to wear ourselves. Doing big prints/illustrations is not our cup of tea, we like it clean and simple but with the highest quality available. But any feedback is welcomed!
If your website is in english (which apparently means that you want to be international or at least seem that way), why are all the prices only in SEK?

Also I'll just echo what's already been said. I'd like to see some fresh and more eye-catching designs, but unique as well - good luck!
The avarage price for a tee with same quality or sometimes even poorer quality is 349-399SEK which is about 52-59USD. So yeah, quite pricey if you compare to the prices in the US, unfortunately. We're trying to be a little cheaper to get some sales done. But the profit is very small. But as said, we're doing it mostly for ourselves and because it's a fun little project.