Promotion for someone who needs it where it might help

Hell Mike

fuck melodic black metal
Aug 22, 2003
BARBARIAN WRATH is closing. To clear our stock we are re-introducing the "666 Pack". Find more details here:
Check it out and buy stuff, there's lots and lots of great stuff around. Special recommendation is Thargos - Killfukk, but also get Megiddo, Countess, Faustcoven, Devil Lee Rot, Toxic Holocaust etc etc etc. Check it out damn yous, the Goat is closing down and wants some money so he can print the last releases and few have done more to earn your money (and mine)
Lots of cool stuff there, but I've got a couple of questions about the 666 pack:

- How do I order? If I add 6 CDs from The Barbarian Wrath Basar to the cart, the price is much higher than 45 Euro. Should I send an e-mail?

- I take it that the titles found in the "Other Titles" section at the Basar also are to be sold out? There's lots of stuff there that I want.
You order selecting a 666-pack in the shop somewhere and list your choices in the notes-section and then just check out which leads you directly to PayPal with correct price and everything, simple as fvk if you have PayPal.

And it's DEVIL LEE ROT and nothing else. Oldschoolgreat stuff, vocalist is also in Pagan Rites together with the twins from Nifelheim