Prong thrown off of Danzig tour!!

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Not more than 10 minutes after buying a ticket from a scalper or uhm excuse me, a ticket broker (I love these people, they have been hooking me up for years) for 15 bucks (they sold for 23.25 at ticketmaster) the Newport started letting people in, about 5 minutes after that, I noticed people with Prong shirts started leaving:confused: and they were pissed. And then one of the bouncers said that Prong was kicked off the tour last night, and you could get a refund at the point of sale. I sold my ticket back to the scalper for 5 bucks, I came out with a loss, but the scalper has kids to feed. No offense to Danzig, but I was there to see Prong, had Prong played I would have stayed to watch Danzig, the 2 or 3 times I've seen Danizg they were good, but I was pissed, and my buddy was there to see Prong so we said fuck it and went to Tim Hortons (Starbucks was closed) and called it a night. If anyone is registered to other boards, pass this info along so that Prong fans don't waste $25. I doubt that you can a refund at the point of sale because those tickets say "Danzig" and I think ticketmaster is gonna say "tough shit, who is Prong."

PS: No reason was given for thier dismissal, only that they were "thrown off" I'm sure the tour is making money though, the crowd was big, so Tommy Victor must have pissed off Glenn Danzig or something stupid. Also, I was supposed to have a cold beer with Cincy Vigilante, and I was looking forward to that, and it will have to wait another day.
well its no secret that danzig is a tosspot,what goes around comes around!!!

the guitarist from def leppard smacked him on the chin a while back hehehehehehee
TD, I saw you sitting on the steps in front of some store. I was in line and I figured I would say "hey" inside. When I got up there and I heard that Prong was off the tour I wondered if you would still go. I looked around inside and didn't see ya so I figured you skipped out. It was a crazy night. The Sammys were raised to 6.25, still a pretty good deal if you ask me. We had one then went back for another. "Sorry all out all we have on draft is Labats Blue and Amber Bock". So we were reduced to amber bock. The opening band (Damaged)was nothing to write home about. But when Danzig came out it kicked ass. The first song after encore Glenn tossed a towel in to the crowd I had part of it and so did about 4 other dudes. We tugged around on it and I had a pretty good grip on it. I really didnt care about having it but at this point I just wanted to see if I could win the pissing match. So we are down to 3 guys when a bouncer puts me in a freaking head lock. I was thinking what the hell? So after he gives about 3 hard twists of my head I let the stupid towel go. Then I figured since I let go he would let me go... not, I grabed the rail thats around the floor area. Then another bouncer came and grabed my arm and a handfull of my hair then I said okay I'll go. Dude they had my arm so twisted that If I struggled I thought I would break it. My elbow hurts today. So they haul my ass all the way to the first door area where the tee shirt booths usually are and some one from the crowd comes up to the two apes with the death grip on me and says something to them and then they let me go. By that time the band was playing Hollywood Babylon and I was wore out so I went outside to wait for my friends. In spite of all of this the show still kicked ass.
I still owe you a coldie I'm sure as many shows as you see, and I see I'll see ya up there soon enough.
Yeah that was me sitting on those steps waiting for a scalper to hook me up. I've been doing that for years.........hahahaha........Newport security sucks. I got thrown out of a type o negative show for hitting a joint in 1995. It wasn't my joint, and I had nothing on me - but they showed me the door. They flat out kicked the shit out of one of my friends and ended up macing him when he fought back. He was drinking underage that same year. In 1996 I had a backstage pass for Anthrax, they would not honor it because the Misfits were yet to play. Despite all that, it is one of my favorite venues in the region. I'm still wondering why Prong got booted. I've seen no press release or nothing. You'd figure blabbermouth would be all over it.
I bet Prong got booted because one of the band member's said something nice about the old Misfits.
Danzig is a prick.
Still no word as to why, although on the danzig message board there are some people who said that at the show the night before in Shitsburg, PA that some people in the crowd mentioned that Prong were going back home. I think it was a money deal. Prong have no label = no label support. As far as I know Tommy Victor and Glenn Danzig are pretty tight. I can't wait to hear what happened.
Security sucks everywhere. Bouncers are bitter about something. I got shot with a fire extinguisher and couldn't breathe for a week. Oh and one time, I got screamed at for lighting a cigarette, a PERFECTLY LEGAL cigarette, meanwhile my whole section was passing joints back and forth and nothing got said to any of them about it. The worst part is, my husband used to do concert security (I think he's still scarred from the GNR/Metallica shows) and he was there the night I got shot and said he was laughing at the whole group "especially the chick that wasn't doing anything". :mad:
Is it possible that Glenn Danizg just doesn't want a good opening band??? 7 years ago Danzig headlined a tour w/ Marilyn Manson and Korn, and lets not kid ourselves, we know what two acts sold that show out. Here is what I picked up at Blabbermouth. BTW, every where I go I've heard about Prong kicking ass on this tour, that is why maybe I felt that Danzig booted Prong for kicking ass and selling t-shirts..

PRONG Kicked Off DANZIG Tour, CHIMAIRA Added - July 8, 2002
CHIMAIRA have been added to the ongoing DANZIG US tour starting with tomorrow's date at Bogart's in Cincinnati, Ohio. According to an official statement from the group, "the former direct support band [i.e. PRONG] was kicked off the tour, and we were asked to pick up the slot. After this tour ends we will be going out on a co-headlining tour with SKINLAB. FIVE POINTE 0 will be the opener. We are currently going to finish up writing our 2nd Roadrunner release on the road and plan to start tracking after this touring cycle."
I'm glad I got to see this tour on the 2nd date (or one of the real early ones anyway). Prong was cool as all hell but nobody knew who they were. To be honest, I didn't even know who the hell was opening until a bouncer told me just as I was getting searched. Prong still ripped, even with little crowd support and Danzig was cool. And surprisingly, I was sober for this entire show.
Originally posted by TD
N I doubt that you can a refund at the point of sale because those tickets say "Danzig" and I think ticketmaster is gonna say "tough shit, who is Prong."
Have Ticketmaster give you the number for the concert promoter, who can then fax Ticketmaster saying that one of the opening acts did change, and that should be enough for Ticketbastard to give a refund.

I did that when I bought tickets for Judas Priest on the last tour, only to find out later that Anthrax was not opening after all, and didn't have a problem returning the tix.