Protein serum, eek


Feb 20, 2005

"Protein Serum is the growth factors and immunoglobulin taken from the blood plasma of young, healthy beef cattle. Protein Serum Isolate is fifteen times stronger than whey protein isolate, making it the strongest protein source ever developed with health benefits no other can lay claim to."

What will the sports supplement community think of next? Honestly, all I can think of is people in starving developing countries subsisting almost entirely off of complete proteins in grains and beans and stuff, and meat is a huge luxury to them - and yet here we are in the developed world drinking veal plasma extract for fuck's sake!

"Protein Serum is the growth factors and immunoglobulin taken from the blood plasma of young, healthy beef cattle. Protein Serum Isolate is fifteen times stronger than whey protein isolate, making it the strongest protein source ever developed with health benefits no other can lay claim to."

What will the sports supplement community think of next? Honestly, all I can think of is people in starving developing countries subsisting almost entirely off of complete proteins in grains and beans and stuff, and meat is a huge luxury to them - and yet here we are in the developed world drinking veal plasma extract for fuck's sake!

Man, that just sounds gross dude. I'll never understand why people will go so far to be gigantic, have the perfect body, whatever. Being fit is one thing, but being so self-indulged to the point of using that crap seems like the ultimate excess.

we're not too far away from the south park christopher reeves episode

HAhahaahahaha, seriously - "Don't call me Christopher - that name no longer means anything to me. Christopher was a guy who was always being pushed around by other people [get it? Wheelchair? :D] - from now on, I am...CHRIS" :lol:

But Joe, yeah, I hear ya - I just got back into working out starting up my new routine (it's working great Tony, thanks a ton! :headbang: ) so I bought some more standard whey protein shakes, and there was an ad for this crap in the packaging - I stick to the MRP (Meal Replacement product) shakes, none of those pills and fast recovery crystalline supplements and crap!
"Yer bustin' my balls here...bustin' my balls. These are grade A fetuses...quality stuff!"


Please Joe, PLEASE - that was "Kenny Dies," the finale of Season 5 - the Christopher Reeve episode is "Crazy Kripples" in Season 7 (and it's "breakin' my balls" :D) Like I've said, old South Park is the only south park to me! :Smokedev:
Please Joe, PLEASE - that was "Kenny Dies," the finale of Season 5 - the Christopher Reeve episode is "Crazy Kripples" in Season 7 (and it's "breakin' my balls" :D) Like I've said, old South Park is the only south park to me! :Smokedev:

Ohhh snap, spoken like a true fan. :) I gotta disagree though - new South Park is fucking hilarious to me dude!

Man I need to start working out, but I'm so god damn lazy. I have an AWESOME gym that is literally a 3-5 minute walk from my house too!

Hahahaha, irony of ironies :lol: And yeah Joe, we've had this SP debate before, and we'll never convince each other :D But yeah dude, totally get into working out, the most important thing is to just develop a routine so you always know exactly what you're gonna be doing, makes it so much easier to keep it up IMO!

By the way, I just looked a little closer, this stuff is also a colossal ripoff - 14 servings, each with only 22 grams of protein, for $60; I get this stuff, which is 20 servings (in individual packets) of whey protein isolate, the most refined and purified variety, for $40, and each serving has 50 grams!
3-5 minute WALK?!?.... thats so east coast :loco: you're supposed to drive down the block to the gym

Hahaha, it's not the walk that it stopping's the lack of motivation to work out on a day to day basis. I walk plenty during the day. Now, if only that would burn the necessary amount of calories for me...:lol:

Hahahaha, irony of ironies :lol: And yeah Joe, we've had this SP debate before, and we'll never convince each other :D But yeah dude, totally get into working out, the most important thing is to just develop a routine so you always know exactly what you're gonna be doing, makes it so much easier to keep it up IMO!

By the way, I just looked a little closer, this stuff is also a colossal ripoff - 14 servings, each with only 22 grams of protein, for $60; I get this stuff, which is 20 servings (in individual packets) of whey protein isolate, the most refined and purified variety, for $40, and each serving has 50 grams!

50g! Holy spaghetti monster!

Yeah dude, I just need to do it and stop making excuses. Easier said than done. :)

I saw a semi-recent episode where the guys form a Peruvian flute band. :lol: Marcus, shit was hilarious dude!

ah, you missed you huge thread/debate regarding is SP still funny or did it die after season 7 (marcus' contention). i must agree with marcus where nearly every episode was gold back in the day, and now, there seems to be a few "filler" episodes. however, no one can agree on which ones sucked and which ones were hilarious. so yea, there may be a slight dropoff, but there are still more often than not episodes are absolutely hilarious. and its still better than 90% of the shows out there

oh, i forgot to mention. when you drive your car to the gym, it needs to be freshly washed, by someone else of course. preferably whilst you sip your decaf, soy mocha latte with flaxseed oil extract.
ah, you missed you huge thread/debate regarding is SP still funny or did it die after season 7 (marcus' contention). i must agree with marcus where nearly every episode was gold back in the day, and now, there seems to be a few "filler" episodes. however, no one can agree on which ones sucked and which ones were hilarious. so yea, there may be a slight dropoff, but there are still more often than not episodes are absolutely hilarious. and its still better than 90% of the shows out there

oh, i forgot to mention. when you drive your car to the gym, it needs to be freshly washed, by someone else of course. preferably whilst you sip your decaf, soy mocha latte with flaxseed oil extract.

I caught that thread actually...I think the new episodes are awesome!

I don't know where you get this east coast laziness stereotype from either. I'm just lazy when it comes to working out, that is all.

I don't drink those overpriced abominations from Starbucks either. :)

ah, you missed you huge thread/debate regarding is SP still funny or did it die after season 7 (marcus' contention). i must agree with marcus where nearly every episode was gold back in the day, and now, there seems to be a few "filler" episodes. however, no one can agree on which ones sucked and which ones were hilarious. so yea, there may be a slight dropoff, but there are still more often than not episodes are absolutely hilarious. and its still better than 90% of the shows out there

oh, i forgot to mention. when you drive your car to the gym, it needs to be freshly washed, by someone else of course. preferably whilst you sip your decaf, soy mocha latte with flaxseed oil extract.

HAhaha, spoken like a true West-Coaster (which is what I believe he's self-parodying Joe :D) Though to be clear, I think South Park stayed gold up until near the end of season 10, after which it TANKED IMO, but I'll just go ahead and link to that thread where people can read my posts if they care, rather than rehashing the rant here! :loco:

Here it is:
HAhaha, spoken like a true West-Coaster (which is what I believe he's self-parodying Joe :D) Though to be clear, I think South Park stayed gold up until near the end of season 10, after which it TANKED IMO, but I'll just go ahead and link to that thread where people can read my posts if they care, rather than rehashing the rant here! :loco:

Here it is:

Oh woops, I'm a bit slow today. Apologies jrt12. :)

Marcus, I think you're a cool dude and great player, but absolutely bonkers when it comes to South Park. No offense...:saint::cool::heh:

Admittedly, there are some stinkers in the newer seasons, but plenty of quality too.

Anyway, back on topic!

I could never be bothered to buy supplement shakes. Just to expensive. Can get the same, or almost the same from certain cheese, meat products for much less green.

Edit: Not to bash anyone who does, at all. I just can't justify spending that money.
hey slash, this is a private conversation! :guh: nah, i'm just kidding... just felt like it for a minute. finally found some time at work to play on UM, which is nice since this place has been trying to take over my life the last couple weeks.

anyways, i've always been hesitant about those protein shakes (back when i used to work out regularly)... i mean, dont you just lose all the muscle as soon as you stop taking them?
I could never be bothered to buy supplement shakes. Just to expensive. Can get the same, or almost the same from certain cheese, meat products for much less green.

Edit: Not to bash anyone who does, at all. I just can't justify spending that money.

Wouldn't you be concerned with the high fat content in cheeses?

Are any cheeses 'better' for you over others?

Wouldn't you be concerned with the high fat content in cheeses?

Are any cheeses 'better' for you over others?


Yup. I generally buy fat-reduced cheese, but there are things like Harz (Mountain) Cheese which has zero fat and carbs but about 20-25 grams of protein per 100 gram. Cottage cheese ain't bad either.

That's my alternative.

Boiled ham is great, too. About 20 grams of protein with only 3 grams of fat per 100 gram.

Edit: When I'm on an (almost) zero carb diet, I don't sweat over every single gram of fat.