Protein serum, eek

Yup. I generally buy fat-reduced cheese, but there are things like Harz (Mountain) Cheese which has zero fat and carbs but about 20-25 grams of protein per 100 gram. Cottage cheese ain't bad either.

That's my alternative.

Boiled ham is great, too. About 20 grams of protein with only 3 grams of fat per 100 gram.

Edit: When I'm on an (almost) zero carb diet, I don't sweat over every single gram of fat.

Ah gotcha. For some reason cottage cheese is vomit inducing for me, but I've found some pretty damn good non-fat or low fat cheese.

I'm a big fan of yogurt too. Fage and Oikos are two really good Greek style yogurts. Oikos actually has a zero fat line that is damned good.

I want to diet, but don't want to cut out carbs completely. I usually only eat whole grain bread anyway. I guess I just need a better plan.

I'm not hideously overweight, but could afford to lose 15-20lbs I guess. I'm around 5'9 and 185.

Dude, Joe, it's so simple - cutting carbs is retarded and stupid, your body needs them, that's just how we evolved, and fuck all the stupid malnourishing designer diets that say otherwise. HOWEVER, cut out simple sugars; basically, anything made with bleached flour or bleached rice (meaning, well, white rice :D) is a no-no; potatoes are fine (but watch out for mashed at restaurants/diners, they're like 1 part butter for every 4 parts potato :Smug: ), whole grain bread, pasta, cereal, etc. And of course veggies. Fruit rules too, but that fructose is still a sugar, so eat it in moderation, enough to get the vitamin benefits without overloading on the sugar!

Otherwise FUCK YEAH yogurt, I have two a day, as well as string cheese sticks, eggs (one whole egg and two egg whites for me), sandwiches on whole wheat bread with mustard (love that condiment, practically zero of anything unhealthy unlike mayo the devil's spread), etc. And Cottage cheese is amazing if you eat it with yogurt, fruit, or anything else sweet, but yeah, watch the fat content on other cheeses; personally, I don't care for cheese too much, so a string cheese stick and a bowl of CC are about all of it I eat daily.

AND as for South Park, as I said in that thread, I could accept and probably find amusement in a show that did nothing but pop culture references and shock value violence - if it wasn't what my favorite comedy of all time hadn't devolved into! The ties are too strong I'm afraid :( (and my favorite character, Cartman, has changed so very much, but like I said, read the above, don't wanna write it all again here :D)
anyways, i've always been hesitant about those protein shakes (back when i used to work out regularly)... i mean, dont you just lose all the muscle as soon as you stop taking them?

Nope, there's nothing really special about them, just an easy way to get a shitload of protein for bulking up - but once you have, as long as you continue to exercise and take in enough calories (they don't necessarily have to be as many calories from protein as when you were building) you'll be fine for maintenance!

And actually, the advantage also to super-isolated proteins like whey is that they're the best by far for post-workout shakes, where the faster-acting the protein, the better. And I know after a heavy workout session I'd much rather drink a shake than like eat something super-heavy like a fucking steak or something for the equivalent amount of protein! :D
Dude, Joe, it's so simple - cutting carbs is retarded and stupid, your body needs them, that's just how we evolved, and fuck all the stupid malnourishing designer diets that say otherwise. HOWEVER, cut out simple sugars; basically, anything made with bleached flour or bleached rice (meaning, well, white rice :D) is a no-no; potatoes are fine (but watch out for mashed at restaurants/diners, they're like 1 part butter for every 4 parts potato :Smug: ), whole grain bread, pasta, cereal, etc. And of course veggies. Fruit rules too, but that fructose is still a sugar, so eat it in moderation, enough to get the vitamin benefits without overloading on the sugar!

Otherwise FUCK YEAH yogurt, I have two a day, as well as string cheese sticks, eggs (one whole egg and two egg whites for me), sandwiches on whole wheat bread with mustard (love that condiment, practically zero of anything unhealthy unlike mayo the devil's spread), etc. And Cottage cheese is amazing if you eat it with yogurt, fruit, or anything else sweet, but yeah, watch the fat content on other cheeses; personally, I don't care for cheese too much, so a string cheese stick and a bowl of CC are about all of it I eat daily.

AND as for South Park, as I said in that thread, I could accept and probably find amusement in a show that did nothing but pop culture references and shock value violence - if it wasn't what my favorite comedy of all time hadn't devolved into! The ties are too strong I'm afraid :( (and my favorite character, Cartman, has changed so very much, but like I said, read the above, don't wanna write it all again here :D)

Yeah, but Cartman is still a fat, racist, anti-semite, so he hasn't changed much. :lol:

Anyway, yeah...I pretty much follow most of that, but go on streaks where I eat like CRAP! This mainly goes for lunch when I'm at work. I'll have a slice of pizza one day, a gyro the next, some fat abomination of a sandwich, etc. etc.

You don't worry about the fat in whole yogurt? I think a big difference is I need to lose weight and gain some muscle mass, while you pretty much have to fight to put weight on from what I remember. :) Hehe.

I just don't know which fats I should cut out. I try to eat nuts as much as possible...mainly almonds. I think I need to embrace cardio if I'm gonna lose this weight, right? I'm so out of shape though, I usually die before the 10 minute mark when jogging. :(

I never eat whole yogurt, so that's not a problem ;) And for lunch, just STOP GETTING PIZZA AND GYROS, JESUS FARKIN' CHRIST, not that hard Joseph :lol: Get in the habit of ordering all variety of poultry meats on whole wheat bread with mustard and tomato or anything else you want, no mayo, only a little cheese if you must, etc. And I need to put on mass, but still, I can definitely get the love handles if I binge :D
I never eat whole yogurt, so that's not a problem ;) And for lunch, just STOP GETTING PIZZA AND GYROS, JESUS FARKIN' CHRIST, not that hard Joseph :lol: Get in the habit of ordering all variety of poultry meats on whole wheat bread with mustard and tomato or anything else you want, no mayo, only a little cheese if you must, etc. And I need to put on mass, but still, I can definitely get the love handles if I binge :D

Argh! But Gyro meat is toooo freakin' good! :lol:

Yeah dude, I just need to stop whining and do it.

AND WHY, does the devil's spread have to be so damn good? I am a big fan of mustard though, so that's a good thing.

I'm so out of shape though, I usually die before the 10 minute mark when jogging. :(


With cardio, if you can only do a 10 minute jog you have to break things up with interval training to get any benefit. Don't stop cardio after 10 minutes if that's all you can do, you need to get your heart rate up for longer than that to see any benefit. Jog for 5 minutes, walk briskly for a minute, jog for 5 minutes, walk for a minute, etc. for a total of at least 20-30 minutes. You won't die of exhaustion this way and it'll still keep your heart rate in the target zone for enough time that you'll actually burn something :kickass:
With cardio, if you can only do a 10 minute jog you have to break things up with interval training to get any benefit. Don't stop cardio after 10 minutes if that's all you can do, you need to get your heart rate up for longer than that to see any benefit. Jog for 5 minutes, walk briskly for a minute, jog for 5 minutes, walk for a minute, etc. for a total of at least 20-30 minutes. You won't die of exhaustion this way and it'll still keep your heart rate in the target zone for enough time that you'll actually burn something :kickass:

This is good advice.

Yep, it's better to do this even if you are a seasoned athlete. Jogging vs intervals is like night and day. INTERVALS FTW.
+1 to almost all of Adam's post, however, it's much more beneficial in keeping your heart rate up to jog the absolute slowest you possibly can when catching your breath, rather than walking; the difference in forms (sort of falling forward for jogging, rather than, well, walking) really does make a difference!
+1 to almost all of Adam's post, however, it's much more beneficial in keeping your heart rate up to jog the absolute slowest you possibly can when catching your breath, rather than walking; the difference in forms (sort of falling forward for jogging, rather than, well, walking) really does make a difference!

I'll probably try the walking route until I don't feel like a complete failure anymore during running. :lol: I guess being a casual smoker (bum from cheap self :)) isn't helping my cause either.

Yeah, fuck stoges dude, just burn a J if you feel the need! (or better yet chew gum or something, but you know, baby steps :D)
Yeah, fuck stoges dude, just burn a J if you feel the need! (or better yet chew gum or something, but you know, baby steps :D)

Heh yeah, except Js are not much better if it's on a consistent basis. I'm not talking the mental effect, but the smoke produced. Carbon is bad no matter how you slice it.

I only smoke cigs on the weekends when I'm out drinking or with my boys. At practice I'll have one or two. During the week I have zero cravings, so I guess that's a good thing.
