protest the hero - fortress

I know who assisted those sessions.
What I know off the top of my head.
Tracked at Metalworks Studios in Mississauga Ontario Canada
Producer: Julius Butty Engineer: Nick Blagona Assistant: Kevin Dietz
Drums and bass were done in studio 1. Ancient Neve, big live room, PT HD. Not sure about the rest. Julius and Nick both use Nuendo and have ~1000 plugins (not an exaggeration)
I can find out more this week. Keep your panties on.
yea i am pretty interested at what guitar amp(s) they used on the album. the tone is pretty consistent throughout the album so i am assuming they did it more meat and potatoes as opposed to reamping and all that good stuff.

i also like the fact that it's in Eb. it happens to be my fav tuning.
That band got ahold of some Sikth can hear the influence all over there music

I saw the video and said the same thing... then saw the SikTh shirt that the lead guitarist was wearing, and it all made sense. :headbang:

This album rocks all the fuck over Kezia - way more mature, way better songwriting, and the vocals aren't nearly as annoying!
Lately they have been using a deliverance and a rectifier live. I am also curious what they used for the recording.
This album rocks all the fuck over Kezia - way more mature, way better songwriting, and the vocals aren't nearly as annoying!

It's growing on me very quickly; then again I only got Kezia 2 months ago on the recommendation of a friend. Needless to say, I've been kicking myself ever since for not listening to them sooner.

I think the vocals on Fortress make a mockery of Kezia. Great sound, great production, I like how they cut right through all the guitars without being loud or too out front.
I listened to Kezia for a month straight like an opium addict. Now Fortress is on constant rotation. I love this band.

I like both albums equally. Kezia is fucking awesome, so is fortress.
OK, I got a bit of info-
Bogner amps, Les Pauls and Ibanez - Guitars tracked at The Silo Studio, Julius's home studio in Stoney Creek. Good luck finding any info on that place.
BG vox by Ceci (Julius's cat) @ 3:30 on Wretch
This album has been done for a long time, 6 months maybe.
that cat really makes the album. i have a cat also and i was listening and i was like waht the fuck is going on how is my cat inside my headphones because he was sleeping right next to me then i realized it was an overdub and i thought that it was really the best thing since the drunk old irish guy on dark side of the moon.
I love this band. I hear a lot of Paul Gilbert influence in the guitars.
My favorite parts are the cookie monster growls. I think he does them so sick, I wish they'd record a whole song just like that and alienate any scene fans they still have.
OK, I got a bit of info-
Bogner amps, Les Pauls and Ibanez - Guitars tracked at The Silo Studio, Julius's home studio in Stoney Creek. Good luck finding any info on that place.
BG vox by Ceci (Julius's cat) @ 3:30 on Wretch
This album has been done for a long time, 6 months maybe.

thanks for the info. if you dig up any more on this please share!
the tone is pretty consistent throughout the album so i am assuming they did it more meat and potatoes as opposed to reamping and all that good stuff.
no idea whether they re-amped or not... but re-amping does not cause inconsistent tone throughout an least i think i understood what you said there to mean that for some reason you think it does.
no i meant it just sounds like they found a good tone and recorded the whole thing. i like albums like that. there are other albums where the tones slightly change song to song. i shouldn't of said they didn't reamp it. i meant like just use multiple amps and settings. i'm thinking along the lines of "ashes of the wake" (lamb of god) for example where different parts have slightly different guitar sounds and layered amps. there is no good or bad it's just different.

either way engineering aside it is a great great album musically. i am so hooked. after a few complete listens it soared to the top of my favorite albums list. i'm talking all time. i find that it is that good.