Prozak Strikes Again

Guardian of Darkness said:
I don't give a damn if a band sells out if their music is good.

Nile isn't black metal.

Mind if I ask what Nile is considered to the rest of the public? I know im trailing off topic here, just wanna hear some opinions since we on the subject. Oh and in no way am I saying your wrong or right, was just wondering what others think.
Phrases like this, "A burned out, feces-encrusted, proto-Simian intelligence who shuffles out of the city sewer system to ask for handouts can be pitied and handed a trivia of pocket change," make me dislike Anus on a personal level, but that does not mean he has does not have things of worth to say from time to time. I agree with the main gist of this article, and everybody who has criticized it so far has not actually done anything to refute what he said.

There still are good black metal bands though, check out Heretic for an example.
excellent, one of the best things he's written lately. i have to wonder what the next genre of any importance will be. that kind of anti-heroic pity affects all kinds of art these days, and in california where i teach its nearly heresy to say anything anti-egalitarian, to have any standards besides the zero-line.
HardSide said:
Mind if I ask what Nile is considered to the rest of the public? I know im trailing off topic here, just wanna hear some opinions since we on the subject. Oh and in no way am I saying your wrong or right, was just wondering what others think.
Nile IS a death metal band. I haven't the faintest idea how you consider them a black metal band. = doesn't bow to the social pretense of the mob, therefore is universally hated.

And likes it, given the looks of those who hate us :)
Reading Guardian of Darkness' posts in this thread made me laugh uncontrollably.
Guardian of Darkness said:
Heh, yes, the board is full of illiterate imbeciles. I'm sure that delights PE and his little group of followers.
Haha, yeah, Guardian must feel extremely ashamed when reading those posts. He'll probably just blame the fact that he hadn't hit puberty when he posted those. Or not. Sorry. :p
Actually, at the time I recall the board was infested with illiteracy. I never denied that I was entirely anti-Anus not so long ago, anyway.
It's funny how often liberals pay lip service (and by "lip service" I mean "slobbery verbal fellatio") to the ideal of "open mindedness" while simultaneously mocking those who have encoutered new ideas and, after initial knee-jerk hostility, have altered their own beliefs to incorporate the new knowledge they have come in contact with (unlike liberals, who would have rejected fire and the wheel if some Jew had muttered "fascist!" upon their invention).
Meh. appreciates music as an art. I choose to appreciate it as entertainment, therefore I have no need of the site.

Yeah, so that must be the reason why you refer everyone to it to prove your points. I get it.
Worm-Infested Intestinal Tract said:
Yeah, so that must be the reason why you refer everyone to it to prove your points. I get it.
Eh? I must've done that twice at the most on this forum. I generally prefer to avoid referring to Anus because it often results in a whiny pseudo-flamewar. You'll also note that I posted that a while ago and now have very different views on the matter.

PE makes fair points. It's irritating that people act like I'm being hypocritical because my views directly contradict views I had several months ago.

I'm not actually particularly ashamed of my "old self", it's not like any of you came out of the womb brimming with knowledge, everyone evolves.
Eh? I must've done that twice at the most on this forum. I generally prefer to avoid referring to Anus because it often results in a whiny pseudo-flamewar. You'll also note that I posted that a while ago and now have very different views on the matter.

It was not a week ago that you anally referred me to that site in an uppity manner. I don't care about your elitism, however feigned it might be, but for fuck's sake, just shut up. For a guy who wants to stop flamewars you certainly do go around with your head above everybody else a lot.
Worm-Infested Intestinal Tract said:
It was not a week ago that you anally referred me to that site in an uppity manner. I don't care about your elitism, however feigned it might be, but for fuck's sake, just shut up. For a guy who wants to stop flamewars you certainly do go around with your head above everybody else a lot.
I know I referred to it recently, that was included in the 'twice'. The 'uppity manner' was on account of me being sick to death of discussing genre-definitions.

I'm generally civil on this board, it's only because you're all so intolerant of self-confidence (which I consider a virtue) that you end up whinging about me in every second thread.