PRS HFS vs. Duncan SH-4 (Earforce, no boost)

They sound similar, maybe a little bit more upper mid on the HFS

Right now I'm playing with my ce24 at rehearshals and that's more or less the character that pickup has. Lots of definition but not a "fat" pickup IME.

I've found that the sh4 deals better with midrangey amplifiers compared to the hfs, but that's just me :)
The seymour duncan has this annoying hiss thing happening in the highs, and the mids are scooped, but roughly scooped.. HFS all the way, way more character to work with in the box. Or just leave it the hell alone. lol.
PRS all the way. Putting Duncans into a PRS is like buying a Ferrari and putting a Volkswagen engine inside. F*** that s***!

The difference is very small though. PRS is maybe a bit more meaty and SD is a bit more trebly. It's a taste issue but knowing how PRS guitars are designed with the coil tap stuff etc. I wouldn't mess with other pickups. The neck pickup on a PRS is so friggin' amazing on solo stuff. The bridge is meaty as hell.
Yeah just wanted to try the duncans... The stock pickups are going back in soon

Hey sorry for my harsh words! I'm actually very glad you made this video since there have been times when I thought "what if things got even better if I swapped pickups". The JB would've been my first choice so this was EXACTLY the comparison I needed to hear. I'm also keeping the original pickups.

Lasse, do you have any information on PRS if they changed their pickups inbetween pre-factory and factory? My pre-factory PRS has like 7dB more volume than the newer Custom 24 and they both have Vintage bass and HFS. Sound is similar though.
VW owns Porsche, Audi, Skoda, Seat, Bugatti etc. They don't own Ferrari. :D

I drive a VW. I love VW... that Hitler guy really created a great company!