Prymary pics

Awesome pics! Fuck yeah, these guys Rocked! So did Katagory V and Stride as well, I had a great time...and despite what Smiley said about "Learning to Live" I thought they nailed it as so did Stride with Overture and Temples of Syrinx! Great stuff!, Cheers -Tony
Thank you very much for taking the pics. The show was a dream to play. Well, audience wise anyways. I can't say the same for the sound guys. We were all very excited to be a part of this. Special thanks to Shane for putting us on the bill and for giving us a place to crash when we played Texas. Also special thanks to Stride and Kategory 5. These are some of the coolest bands we have ever played with. They all kicked our asses. And thanks to everyone who stuck around to see our set. I know it was late and everyone was tired but some of the diehards were able to stick it out.
Thanks to everyone that were able to see my other band, Redemption. It was our first time playing live and I think we pulled it off really well. We worked hard to get the live show into condition and I hope you all enjoyed it. I have heard comments to the sound being loud. We were at the mercy of the house sound man so we just had to take our chances.
Thank you
warmwetos said:
Awesome pics! Fuck yeah, these guys Rocked! So did Katagory V and Stride as well, I had a great time...and despite what Smiley said about "Learning to Live" I thought they nailed it as so did Stride with Overture and Temples of Syrinx! Great stuff!, Cheers -Tony

Damn, I would have loved to hear both of those versions...I hope that somebody signs the preshow bands (not a problem for Katagory V) as a result of the exposure they received, as they are all accomplished bands.
That darn keyboard player of theirs never looks up does he? All the pictures we took of him with Redemption are the same too! Ha ha ha ...

Let's go Smiley. Look up and show us where you get that name from once in a while, eh?!

Chris-- I believe I met you in Houston outside Forgetta 'Bout It. You remember because they wouldn't let me in :( Not even after you, Shane, and Bobby talked the owner ... I never did see you in Atlanta though :wave:

Hey Tess

I don't think it was me that saw you in Houston. It might have been my singer Mike since we are the only two with long hair in the band. That sucks you couldn't get into the show. Hopefully you saw us at the pre-show in Atlanta. I would love to come out to Houston again and play with Stride. They are so awesome. Maybe by than you can get into the club. And we will have to tell Smiley to look up more when he is playing:)
what can I say that has not already been said.... absolutely phenominal!!!!!!

You had us captivated guys... I doubt that the riviera club ever had that much talent on the stage before, you guys killed!

Hopefully we can do this again some other time, some other place down the road, we in the k5 crew agree that it was hands down the best show we've played... we must do it again! You guys and Stride owned the night in our opinion! It was cool to finally meet all of you and see your set and share the stage.

PrymaryChris said:
Hey Tess

I don't think it was me that saw you in Houston. It might have been my singer Mike since we are the only two with long hair in the band. That sucks you couldn't get into the show. Hopefully you saw us at the pre-show in Atlanta. I would love to come out to Houston again and play with Stride. They are so awesome. Maybe by than you can get into the club. And we will have to tell Smiley to look up more when he is playing:)
Whoever it was I met from Prymary didn't have long hair =) It obviously wasn't you or Mike because you said you both have long hair and I know it wasn't Smiley because I met him Atlanta. Who is left? You know what. I'm an idiot. I just remembered the guy I met played for the band that played BEFORE you guys. Sorry ... well whatever. Just come play Houston again!
The bday is only a few weeks away now so I'd be there for sure! =)