psst alex.


Aug 2, 2002
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what is your email? i think you have a new one and i can't remember it. i wanted to email you those pictures that aren't showing up on lj.

k thx.
i just saw the pictures! they show up when i'm at work, weirdly.

for future reference, my email address is:

(my first name)@(my lj username).com

stupid trollbots make me jump through hoops.
that bunny tent is RIDICULOUSLY CUTE. our turtle was burrowing around yesterday and, remembering your post, i told my roommate that i had heard about bunny tents and maybe we should get a turtle tent for privacy.
turtles really like to climb into shoeboxes. like if you cut a teeny hole just big enough for them. they love it!
yea you should always make them some sort of cave or something. they have easy to assemble fake ones too for them. they totally need to hide or they geek out. the stress will make their shells and skin chemicals weak.