Psychodelic Mechanical Metal

That's an awesome song. I think the snare could be a bit louder and fatter. The kick sounds kind of wierd to me but it works with the music. The guitars do sound a little thin and unorganic to me. Maybe re-amp it if you have the DI files or find somebody on the board to do it. It's funny that you are in Wroclaw, my buddy is studying there right now. Anyways, nice song keep it up man.
Thanks for feedback guys, I really apreciate it! I've updated the mix, and I'm still working on it, I'll post the final version when it's over.

@FarBy0ndMetal- Actually I don't live in Wroclaw but in a smaller city in the mountainside about 100 km south from it. The main University lies in Wroclaw but they have a remote educational center at my place.