Psychotic Waltz


New Metal Member
Sep 12, 2001
...Anyone else love this band??

They are proggy enough to be liked by opeth fans, or aren't the vox 'different' enough for you (glares at jayde. :D )?

These guys are crazy. I can see where Nevermore got the inspiration for POE from, i see similarities between (PW's) early stuff and 42147 and Seven Tongues of god.

Psychotic Waltz rule.

...Have any of you even -heard- them?? :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Demonspell
Looks like I have to get my ass over to, I know that site has some samples...

Thanks for that link Demonspell.
I've found lots of good samples on bands I've
been wanting to check out.... It's so easy
when you get samples served like this >:eek:)

Psychotic Waltz wasn't that bad either.
I might check out more of their work :eek:)
Yes, I have the album "Bleeding" (I think, I am moving house and cd's packed away) it's very good, the main man behind the band, recently started a new project "Dead Soul Tribe" which is on The INSIDEOUT label
I like DST better than Waltz.

I have all of their stuff but A Social Grace and Into The Everflow are the two that I listen to the most. Highly recommended along with Nevermore