Yeah, and I've heard that Hellhammer of "Mayhem" does this occasionally, but that means you'll still have to be tight as FUCK because if you have the trigger programmed to do 4 1/16 beats at say 240 bpm or whatever the fuck, then if you're the SLIGHTEST bit off tempo with the next hit it's going to throw the whole rhythm off, if I'm making any sense here.
Tomas Corn is a good drummer, but he's never really wowed me. I listen to so bloody many technical dm bands and most bands seem to have drummers all of that kind of calibre. I can only pick-out my favourites stylistically, like Proscriptor, Andyan Gorust, Jordan Varela...but as for who actually might be BEST....pfff....I don't think anyone has a right to that claim. I'm sure most of those drummers could play everyone else's songs.
Well they do have Freedom, Hope & Fury under the name Appalling Spawn, its great but not up to the same level of creativity as Elvenefris. Plus it doesnt have Corn on drums.
Well they do have Freedom, Hope & Fury under the name Appalling Spawn, its great but not up to the same level of creativity as Elvenefris. Plus it doesnt have Corn on drums.
I saw Psycroptic yesterday in Perth. To be honest, everyone apart from me and my mates were wowing about them and treating the guys like superstars. Hell, to me they're regular people playing kick ass metal.
The metal crowd never ceases to annoy the hell out of me sometime. Either way, while Psycroptic managed to pull of a kickass show, I was more impressed with a local band called the Furor. Great black metal. Seems abit too technical to be black metal though. They had a fucking AWESOME stage presence and their corpsepaint added to it. Of course it would be wrong not to mention some really awesome songwriting by them. They nail a very nihilistic intense atmosphere with their music and the flow of their riffs were cohesive.