Public Edumacation at its finest

Yeah I think it came about about 5 years ago or something and I had completely forgotten about it. Then today I came across it today and had to share.
It really pisses me off that people are that stupid. Literally, it makes me angry.

The reason people in America can't locate it on the map is because they put more importance upon things like beauty pageants and high school football than actual education.
Yep, but it's became a stereotype. Many people simply can't muster the intelligence to answer such questions, it's not a problem specifically located to the U.S.
Yeah I think it came about about 5 years ago or something and I had completely forgotten about it. Then today I came across it today and had to share.
heh, this is only from last year, but it's still pretty old. Definitely not 5 years though.

And as fun and easy as it is to laugh at this girl's apparent stupidity, it appears to me that what's happening here is her nerves are totally getting in the way of being able to properly say what she means.

In other words, I don't think she's as dumb as she appears in this video. She's probably just really nervous.
Haha, she states like 5 different countries and 6 different reasons that have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the question before failing terribly.
She was stalling because she didn't understand the question, or her span of attention is so small that she completely forgot and tried to bullshit her way through on national television.

All three of those things make her an idiot, no matter how you slice it.

I feel no sympathy for morons.