Punk / Hardcore Recording - Rise Against / Polar Bear Club ish

every instrument ( except drums ) is fighting for one frequency
it reminds me of 6 little fat kits fighting for the last mars bar

let each instrument have its dominant frequency
so that way, everything is heard
Definitely. For this kind of genre, the bass is usually a bit more bright and stand outish, I'd say try to separate the guitars and bass a bit more. I think the vocals could probably be a bit louder in the mix. Are those guitars into your pod? I'm liking the tones. The vocals sound like they have a little too much distortion, sounds a bit hissy/sibilant.
I have a really rough time seperating bass and guitar. I have a high pass at 200 for guitar and a
boost for bass at 150. Thoughts on how to try to seperate further?
I have a really rough time seperating bass and guitar. I have a high pass at 200 for guitar and a
boost for bass at 150. Thoughts on how to try to seperate further?

Try cutting a little on the guitar around the 700-1k area, and boost there for the bass. That's where the picking sound from the bass floats around. Play around with the Q and boost around that area on the bass until it sounds best, then cut that spot on guitar.
hell, I thought it was the actual singer of Rise Against. Good singing! Guitars and bass need what commented above and vocals should have a Desser in the first instance of the chain or in the last if you are going to distort. Also 2 dBs more and maybe a bit more high pass. Is the Snare distorted or too much bottom? I'd say a bit less of it. Funny that sometimes less is more.
why dont ya just post the stems,
some of us can mix it and find out what you need to do and inform you

Sorry I didn't see this for a few days. Are you saying just bounce down the tracks and have me send em your way? Would you want em without any processing then?

I've tweeked this a little bit but to me it sounds worse. Hehe.