Punk rock/metal/hardcore whatever, just need some opinions on a song.


SSL Studios
Feb 19, 2007

I need your opinions on this guys. I've listened to a couple of songs/mixes here and wow! Mine is nothing compared to you guys, anyway, I was reluctant to post but what the heck, the worst that'll happen is that, you guys despise me and my music, ban me and send me crawling back to saving up for a great studio recording!:loco:

Hopefully, it'll not happen but do have a listen please.

Anyway, time to introduce myself, I'm fanir, Asian and a musician wannabe :lol:, love to write music and did I say I'm Asian, oh yeah. I've been thinking of doing a demo for my band and this is the first song we wrote, actually, we wrote it in like 2005 but didn't manage to finish it up. It's still not *quite* finish though.

Firstly, I'm using dfh ezdrummer for the drums, used my dad's DIY edrum. Added a slight reverb to the snare. Vocals are recorded through a decent audio technica mic. Decent mind you. :Smug:

Now, on to guitars, I'm using my Ibanez RG 470DX through my Line6 Toneport and Guitar Rig 2 software version. I have it panned left/right 80%. Bass, I'm using an Ibanez too also through Guitar Rig.

I'm using Sonar 6 as my host [got it off my friend's dad, simply fabulous grab].

My DAW's quite good enough for recording. Windows XP Home SP2, 512MB Ram and a wholatta gigs hdd space.

Thank you, I certainly hope to learn something. Eager to improve anything. Thanks, thanks again! Have a nice day! :headbang:
Well, I've just found out after searching around the forums that most people here despise Guitar Rig that's why the response isn't much, or maybe my music just sucks lol.

Anyway, I'm going back and trying stuff out now after an advice given by a member here to get a decent sounding tone off my Toneport. I'm thinking of saving up for a metalpack line6 though, for the time being, any ideas of making it just sound good?
this sounds pretty decent. Its actually not that bad considering your drums are fake. The guitars sound pretty good, the vocals could stick out more, if there is a bass maybe turn that up a tad and eq it out to the front more. The vocals are a little rough in some spots, also getting an actual amp as apposed to using guitar rig will make your tone sound ten times better. Nice job
this sounds pretty decent. Its actually not that bad considering your drums are fake. The guitars sound pretty good, the vocals could stick out more, if there is a bass maybe turn that up a tad and eq it out to the front more. The vocals are a little rough in some spots, also getting an actual amp as apposed to using guitar rig will make your tone sound ten times better. Nice job

Alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas! THANK YOU!

I'm gonna redo the vocals cuz it sounds like crap except for the screams. Apart from all that, I've already got a practice amp if that matters. An Ibanez 15Watt. :lol:, sounds okay.

Anyway, I'm constantly searching/finding everything about my stuff so that I could make the best out of it. I want it to sound like, hey, that sounds rad, WHAT? GR2? EZDRUMMER? TONEPORT? I hope I can achieve that 'realistic' or as close to it. Also, the fact that I don't make much for a living makes up for part of it.

Any eq to beef up the guitars? I'm thinking of quad tracking, haven't tried that. I'm also thinking of giving more room to the drums, and bringing it up a couple of db.

Thanks again and hope more will come. :)

Have a nice day metalheadz!
Quad tracking this would be pretty hard i would imagine... but seeing as you have some sick riffs in there, you could pull it for sure!

Anyway, im surprised nobody replied more, im really digging the tunes, the sound is real clear, that kick plus palm mutes really goes well together, nice sounding guitars, even better execution on the guitars, and the vocals fit in really nice as well...

I can't put my finger on what style this is, and that's exactly what i like about it!

kickass stuff!
Had to say, even though this sounds really good, i am well curious what you would sound like in a year or 2... if you know what i mean.
Quad tracking this would be pretty hard i would imagine... but seeing as you have some sick riffs in there, you could pull it for sure!

Anyway, im surprised nobody replied more, im really digging the tunes, the sound is real clear, that kick plus palm mutes really goes well together, nice sounding guitars, even better execution on the guitars, and the vocals fit in really nice as well...

I can't put my finger on what style this is, and that's exactly what i like about it!

kickass stuff!

Thanks man, thanks for that, I'm still looking for the guitars to be a little in your face type but I'm experimenting and stuff. Just played around with simulanalog guitarsuite. It's okay but I'm not too content with it.

I'm looking to make it as realistic as possible.

Anyway, didn't get what you were saying about what I would sound in the future?

Anyway, hoping for more opinions! :headbang:
I have a question about recording quad guitars. Is it that we record left and right twice with different settings/mic or is it the latter? Can I take a track and just copy/paste it with different offsets?

Also, is it a must to use different guitars?

Thanks in advance. :)
Nah, it's not a must to use different guitars... quite usefull is to EQ two tracks left and right different from the other two left/right tracks, you could try another mic as well...
different settings are always good when your tracking 4 tracks.

What's not so good is doing 2 tracks and copy them with different offsets.. i just don't like the sound of it, go for 4 tracks and play them each individually for best results, in my opinion.