pussy songs

Music = art
Taste = subjective
Issue = ?

The only thing I would say is that the dude could be more considerate of those around him by either keeping the volume of his stereo moderate so that he can hear it and not bother others or roll his windows up.

But other than that, I don't know anything about the person in the OP to begin to start making up my own story about who he is, what he does and why he listens to what he does.
Regarding the muscle dude who was listening to the mainstream female pop song, playing the devil's advocate, it would be just as easy for muscleheads to look at an album cover/song titles about warriors, fighting dragons, battle etc, and then turn the album cover over and see a bunch of dudes with stick figures(no muscle) and think what the hell?????? LOL....
Regarding the muscle dude who was listening to the mainstream female pop song, playing the devil's advocate, it would be just as easy for muscleheads to look at an album cover/song titles about warriors, fighting dragons, battle etc, and then turn the album cover over and see a bunch of dudes with stick figures(no muscle) and think what the hell?????? LOL....

iono man...


Dude looks like he could beat up most people. :loco:
Wow, so much ignorance in this thread, it isn't even funny.

You're giving me great ideas for the house music during Midweek Mayhem, though. :lol:
Don't worry TS, I totally see the irony of super tough lookin dudes who play the pussiest music imaginable at redonkulous volume levels. Happens a lot in this neck of the woods. If it was at normal listening levels you wouldn't mind so much....
The meathead mentality I'm seeing from some of you in this thread is absolutely appalling. I personally applaud the muslce-head man in the car not afraid to blast listener-friendly music. That's a man who is secure in his masculinity enough to listen to what he likes, as loud as he likes, without fear of reprisal from others. Too bad we can't say the same thing about some of you in this thread.
Listen to what you like and enjoy, not what you feel obligated to listen to because you consider yourself a "metalhead" or some lame made up title.
:headbang:I have enough self esteem to blast Weird Al out of my big rig pulling into the fuel island at truck stops

I've noticed a surprising amount of love for Weird Al among metal listeners recently. Maybe we only listen to pop when it's a parody of it. Or maybe people of all genres just love Weird Al.
Yes, you have so much self-esteem that you have to tell us all that you have self-esteem. That absolutely is the mark of someone with good self-esteem.
I see that you totally missed the point of my post as being humerous,and also being the first one to post about Weird Al on the official Prog Power forum :rolleyes:
I've noticed a surprising amount of love for Weird Al among metal listeners recently. Maybe we only listen to pop when it's a parody of it. Or maybe people of all genres just love Weird Al.

with this pure brilliance how can people not talk about this

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