Quad tracked riff.. tone question


On the Serpentine Path
Apr 16, 2005
Hi all, I attempted recording guitar seriously for the first time, using the technique mentioned in the clayman sound thread. What do you make of the guitar texture? I already posted this somewhere else and it was liked, but I'd like to get the opinions of someone in the metal scene... We are trying to get a heavy but balanced kind of sound, perhaps similar to Opeth's Deliverance album (ok perhaps i'm setting my sight too far, but anyway...)

Ps. I left the 'drums' there just to get an idea of what the riff will sound like with a kick.

Any comments appreciated

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I like the riff. I am not all that familiar with Opeth's tone though. I think it sounds a bit muffled/distant. I think it needs to be more in your face. Maybe try digging it out a bit with some EQ. Hey, but what do I know, I am just a hack and I mix/monitor with $10 computer speakers.:heh: :lol:

Here's a quick dig with some Colin Richardson EQ guidelines from a thread a couple of months ago. I thought it would be interesting to try on your tone. Anyway here it is. I am not trying to say it's better, etc... Just a thought.:)

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I see what you gettin at.. yes I think somewhere in between my tone and the one you posted is the one i'm looking for. I'll see how it fits with the actual drums, bass and lead (which is going to be quite midrangey and distant). I didn't do any eqing on the original guitar tone there save for a high pass at around 80Hz and a lowpass for the irritating highs.